Does Anyone Remember The Wyoming Arms Parker?

Single Six

New member
I recall back in the early 1990s that there was a Wyoming Arms company, making a 10mm pistol called the "Parker". As I recollect, Hal Swiggett did a review article on them and he was impressed. Afterward, I never heard anything else on them, and, other than the photos in that Swiggett article, I never actually saw one either. Does anyone have any experience with these pistols, or maybe actually still have one [pics, please]? If so, your thoughts? Thanks, all.


New member
Sorry, no pics and no experience with actually shooting one. I do remember them well, though. I lived in Houston at the time, and I was buying a lot of guns at the gunshows. This would've been in the early 1990's.

I remember picking them up and handling them. They felt to me that they were very slab sided...almost like holding a 1x4. I have large, slender hands, and they were not comfortable at all.

Aside from that, every report that I read about them or heard from people who had actually owned them was not good. They were very prone to malfunction, and it was difficult to get them to work right. That sounded logical to me, as Wyoming Arms didn't stay around long.


New member
I remember them from the late 80s, but I don't do so fondly as they had more than their share of issues on the guns I saw/handled/shot.

Single Six

New member
Thanks, all. They did look kinda interesting to me, anyway. On the other hand, if they were worth a darn, I suppose they'd still be around.
They weren't renowned for their reliability, and despite a surface similarity, most parts were not interchangeable with 1911 parts. They'd later be marketed under the name Laseraim.


New member
I've only read about them on one occasion and it was just a giant bashfest so either they were really cheap or they were really shoddy.


New member
Wyoming arms

I was just at a gun show this weekend and happened across a Wyoming arms 40 the guy wanted 250 but I got him down to 200. The gun fires but I seem to have an ejector issue. All in all it's not a bad gun although right now it is a single shot I have noticed with it being so heavy you could always shoot first then bum rush and pistol whip the assailant. Lol. I have down a lot of research and found that the particular gun I came across seems to be even more rare than trying to find someone who actually likes the gun. Lol I came into possession of the rarely spoken of 3 3/8 in barrel. I will post pics soon, but until then I am calling on all gun enthusiast to dig deep and link all prevelant information to this thread.

Wile Coyote

New member
I have owned both the standard 5" and the longslide 7". The 5" i dumped in just a few weeks, a weak spring had the slide hitting the frame on every shot
The 7" I have owned since 95 and I love it...most days. Quality control was not good with burrs and flash left on the the gun in some key places keeping it from ejecting the rounds. After that was cleaned up I was still getting about 10% fail to ejects with brass casings, it deforms the brass so bad it can't be reloaded and was keeping the gun from cycling. I then tried some blazer aluminum cases and it was all smiles, the gun cycles, the aluminum can't be reloaded so I don't care how bad they are deformed, and the rounds are cheap...cheaper.
Now you are asking why in the world did I put myself though all of that? 2 reasons. 1) Small grip: I have small hands and this was the only large pistol I can wrap my hands around so the only one I have a chance to hit the broadside of a barn with. Which brings us to 2) Accuracy: it is as accurate as my favorite pistol the Ruger Mark 1 with sub 3" groups at 50 yds of rapid fire its hard not to be in love with the thing.
If anyone has specific questions I will do my best to help you out.


New member
Worst "1911" type gun I ever owned, got rid of mine rikki tikki. One small part automatically come out and disappears when you take the slide off. When I got mine that part was missing, I wrote the company and got another. Terrible design IMO.


New member
wyoming arms parker pistols

I have owned a parker 10mm 7" since 1985, bought it brand new because it was inexpensive, it had some feeding issues at first but the company reworked it and it has worked fine ever since, mine is actually very accurate, better tham my ruger p89,i have never lost any parts during cleaning but after the first time cleaning it I'm aware of the loose parts that can fall out. mine has a snug fitting slide which is probably why it is accurate. my ruger's slide is very loose. I have worked over the trigger so it's less sloppy with less trigger travel.
I made the mistake of buying mine in 10mm when a .40 cal was available, I also could have bought a .40 cal barrel for mine from the company (which is the only part needed to convert it)but by the time i decided to get one the company went out of business, If anyone knows of a parts source or has a 7" .40 cal barrel, Pleassseeee let me know.


New member
Someone is bidding over $400 on one on Gunbroker right now
I just did a search for wyoming parker, wyoming arms and 10mm and while there are a few listed I did not see any with bids on them? What did you see it listed under.

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New member

I ended up with Laseraim, 45ACP 5", and it does have a few issues, but so far I have been able to deal with them. I would like to ask if anyone has a manual for the Laseraim and if I could somehow get a copy?
