Does anyone know Vulcan?


New member
I have been looking for something a little different, and I came across these Vulcan V18's.

( )

It is looks like a mix between an AR180 and a FAL, or just an AR180 with FAL parts.
Does anyone know about or have experience with Vulcan or the polymer AR lower? Do they hold up as well as the aluminum one's or would it be a good decision for me to keep looking?

Thanks in advance!


New member
The Vulcan/Hesse AR's have a really bad reputation. Never had experience with one myself, but that's the usual word. Take it for the $.02 it's worth.


New member
Curious. They have a whole line of .50's for ~$2000. That's waaaaay less than your typical BMG rifle. What gives here? Are these just kaboom specials?


New member
I don't know anything about these, I'd never heard of em until I ran across the one I linked above. It sounds like I may not have heard of them for a reason!


New member
I'd be real suspicious of it.

Vulcan is the company formerly known as Hesse. Hesse was well known for making poor quality and potentially dangerous products.


New member
It's a knockoff of the AR-180, which had a spotty reputation also. Hmmmm, a company with questionable quality making a rifle with questionable reliability . . .


New member
I almost bought a Vulcan lower when off list lowers became available in CA...then I saw all the negative threads on the boards. Now I don't have any 1st hand knowledge w/ the Vulcans & presumably there are many happy customers of them but I'm glad I was able to change my purchase...


When the name Hesse became commonly synonymous with poor quality, they changed it to Vulcan Arms.
OK have any of you actually OWNED a vulcan product? No? Cause i do. I own three of them. A V-10-9 9mm pistol (cobray knockoff) V-10-9 carbine and the aforementioned .50 BMG. All three needed adjustment/TLC out of the box. Less than 1 hour each. The 9mm pistol needed a new hammer ($3.55) after about 250 rounds. Otherwise no problems. The 9mm pistol is a bullet hose for range fun. THe carbine is a decent shooter with 3" groups at 100 yards with iron sights. Both use cheap sten mags. The .50 shoots 3" at 300 yards (longest ive shot it) with milsurp ammo and a simmons scope. Everybody rips on vulcan because they used to be hesse. Seems to me they've done quite a bit of improving.



New member
Well, you see, it's just that I prefer guns that work out of the box.

When I buy a new gun, I just ...feel that it should work properly. That's all.

On another forum I frequent, one of the members got one of the V10-9's. It wouldn't even HAND CYCLE out of the box.

It's just that I kind of see that as kind of a problem, you know?

And of course, then there were the potentially dangerous products as well.


New member
Everybody rips on vulcan because they used to be hesse.


Not true...I rip on them for their cheesy marketing.:D

I had one of their MP5K knockoffs nad it would neither feed or eject with any regularity. YMMV