Does anyone know this book?


New member
Never heard of him. One reader review comes up on Goodreads and Barnes&Noble.

"Do the News Media reports about guns scare you? Rogers shares the truth about guns and why it is common to get a tainted picture. If you have never handled a gun, Rogers quickly explains the difference between various guns and gives definition to revolvers, and semiautomatic handguns and rifles. In a quick read, you will understand the use of today’s weapons, get some verifiable numbers regarding guns, and learn what is behind the slanted verbiage and the lies that are being used to promote gun control. This book should be a “must read” for every politician."


New member
Written in simplistic (not a bad term) pamphlet style (76 pages) for the totally uninitiated as to (a) our history, (b) our Constitution, (c) basic Civics, (how America came out centered on the individual as basis of gov't authority rather than vice versa)

"What it really comes down to is that ultimately the anti-gun, anti-second amendment people want to get rid of all guns. No guns in America—none at all, of any kind, for anybody. But they intend to start with what they call assault weapons. But as I’ve already pointed out, calling them that is just a scare tactic. They want to ban semiautomatic weapons because semiautomatic weapons make private citizens a more formidable opponent."

...what used to be taught in high school....
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