Does anyone have a CZ-97 full length guide rod for sale?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I've been trying ALL WEEK to get a hold of Mike at CZ-USA.
Evidently he is the only cat there at CZ that can take an order for a friggin gun part.

I'm sorry but that is a HUGE disconnect.
That's just plain retarded. No offense to Mike - but I freaking need a gun part and since he's been out all week - I'm S.O.L.
Not a smart business plan. Not a good way of doing business. Totally uncool.

I'm not too happy.
In fact, I'm friggin pissed off.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Did that Tuesday. No response as of yet.
Evedently he has only been in for a few hours this week. Or so it seems.

My point here is it is ridiculous for a modern company to have single point dependace like that.


New member
True, though I would expect their US operations to be fairly small.
It doesn't help you, but I would expect that the intent is that they want to keep customers from ordering unneccesary parts. Speaking with the gunsmith would help most customers figure out what they do or don't need. I wouldn't place you in that catagory, but I don't think the accounting/office staff and marketing people would be much help. The couple of guys in shipping wouldn't be too informative either. At a guess, the whole operation could be less than a dozen people, most of whom would know little about guns.
If my guess of their intent is right, the intent is to provide better customer service with the only person on hand that could provide knowledgable answers. It would also keep them from ordering wrong parts, reducing the number of returns.
All of which unfortunately backfired on you this week.


New member
^They really need to hire more gun knowledgable employs, including more people that can repair or modify guns. Relying on Mike is frustrating, because he doesn't always get back to you within a reasonable amount of time. CZ is gaining popularity in the US now, and its about time they take care of their customers and add a reasonable support staff for Mike. IMO, relying on just one qualified gunsmith is silly in today's day and age.


New member
Well, you (1911) could try (Glock) the aftermarket (1911) parts (Glock) makers (1911) instead (Glock).

It's hard to imagine having so much trouble getting a simple gun part. :D

Hope Mike isn't sick... he could be out a long while... :p

J.R. Bob Dobbs

New member
FYI, Mike is supposed to be back Monday.

I called Fri. to get an idea how long they'll have to keep my 75b for repair, and the receptionist said call back Mon when Mike is in. I've heard estimates of 6 weeks; I guess that's because they only have one guy and he's out alot.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
CZ is absolute spot on with the "Gaining popularity". CZs are blooming. If they want to ride the wave - they need Mike to start showing other people around his office how to fill some damn orders.


New member
I was wondering why nobody there responded to my email inquiry about a trigger job. Wonder if he'll respond when he gets back to an inbox with 1000 messages.


New member
I was wondering why nobody there responded to my email inquiry about a trigger job. Wonder if he'll respond when he gets back to an inbox with 1000 messages.


I hear you. When businesses fail to respond to my emails or phone calls (poor customer service), I'm tempted to leave several messages myself. ;)