Does anyone else have trouble loading an FNX magazine?


New member
Having some limited experience with 1911s, I was very excited to get an FNX-45. I can carry one in the pipe uncocked. I've got DA on the first shot. I've got a decocking lever. It holds 15 plus that safer friend in the chamber. It is also a dream to break down, clean, lube, and reassemble compared to 1911s. There is one catch though.

After firing 75 rounds through it, my thumb was killing me the next day. In fact, it is still sore almost a week later. I never had that problem with other similar calibers so I can only chalk it up to loading the magazine. The first 8-10 go in easily. After that, it gets increasingly difficult. The 15th is downright ridiculous.

I just wondered if anyone else had this problem and how they deal with it.


New member
same with FNP mags, 14 rounders were kind of tough but after several refills they're all(around 8 of them) fairly easy to load. They are nice guns, aren't they?;)


New member
Different gun, but similar experience. With my new Hi-Power, I physically could NOT get more than 7-8 rounds into either of the 13-round magazines by hand.

I got home and repeatedly loaded, unloaded and reloaded them with a LULA loader, and they're fine now.


New member
So the spring will fatigue a little by leaving them loaded? If that's true, can leaving magazines loaded actually be bad for them?

Thanks for the LULA recommendation. I might have to try one of those!


New member
In my case, it wasn't a spring strength issue - the follower was rubbing and binding on the inside of the magazine walls. The loading and reloading just smoothed out the follower.


New member
So the spring will fatigue a little by leaving them loaded? If that's true, can leaving magazines loaded actually be bad for them?

Not on the good guns :D
Just normal for many new guns. Same with recoil springs as well being a little stiff on a new gun (not all) where a few hundred rounds loosens the stiffness a little.


New member
I like my fnx45

+10 on the uplula

I left 10 rounds in my magazines a week before I used it 1st was recommended to me. IMO made a huge difference

I have a note also.. I made a special wood block that aids in load the magazine, due to the spherical bottoms..
I will try to post a pic, if not
I'd be happy to email youa picture.


New member
Uplula without hesitation. 9mm to .45 Funny part is I got my fiance one because she has such a hard time. Worked so well, I got ME one. Takes a couple seconds to get used to and now I hope I'll never need to be without one.


New member
I'm gonna head over to the shooter's supply tomorrow and try to pick one up. Thanks again, everyone. I look forward to not having cripplingly sore thumbs from loading this sweet new gun. :p


New member
If you have an AR, the LULA for that is even more magical than the pistol one. Loading it is literally "flip the lever, drop in a round, flip the lever, drop in a round", and I can unload a magazine faster with the LULA than I could fire it through the gun!