Does anyone else hate Blocky "square-notch" sights?


New member
I HATE em'. How in the name of St. Swithins am I supposed to hit an iddy biddy target with great big sights?:confused:

I know having a fixed sight barrel turned in the frame and the sight re-installed is a pain, but to me it's worth it.

Master Blaster

New member
How in the name of St. Swithins am I supposed to hit an iddy biddy target with great big sights?

Learn to aim? There is a reason that folks have been using target sights for hunting, and competition for a very long time, They work, it requires practice and concentrating on the front sight.;)

A couple weeks ago I learned that I was misinformed with respect to the importance of a good trigger. A couple posters here opined that a good trigger was a crutch, and a real marksman didnt need a good trigger.:eek:

Folks to shoot accurately you do need a good trigger and good sights.

Really you do!!


New member
Most front sights today are way too wide. The front sight is wider than the target, and apparently almost as wide as the rear notch, and it's hard to hit anything that way. Some folks widen the rear notch, so there's some daylight on the sides of the front sight, but that doesn't address the front being too wide to begin with. A borrowed Glock had no daylight around the front sight at all; the sights looked like a very busy wall, with only the contrasting dots and lines to indicate alignment; intolerable. I like a .10" front post, and a .125" rear notch, with is good for both accuracy and speed, as there's plenty of light around the post, which is then narrow enough for precision.


New member
I know it must be somehow related to my eyes and the progressive lenses in my glasses, but I love the itty-bitty sights on my Colt WWI Reproduction. I can shoot the adjustable target sights on my Kimber Gold Match, but the ones on the Colt work so much better for me.



New member
Here're some pics. JT





New member
Found this on a THR thread reviewing the CZ Cadet. A good example of what doesn't work for me and drives me nutty trying to get it lined up and centered.


Master Blaster

New member
After a couple decades of shooting handguns, My sight preference is for a mid width front sight and a rear sight that has just a little light on either side when the front sight is centered. No gap is bad, but like in JohnBT's picture a big gap is much worse, it results in inconsistent grouping of shots for me.


New member
yet, oddly

Even an Olympic shooting coach suggested 3:1 rear/front.....

I like a .110--.125" front width with a rear notch at least .140" (mine get opened wider....)


New member
The bigger and "blockier", the better to pick up fast and precisely!
If you want itty-bitty sights for long range bullseye shooting, or specially shaped alternative sight profiles, that's fine, but for fast, up-close defensive use, they can't really be too big or too "blocky" AFAIC.


New member
for fast, up-close defensive use, they can't really be too big or too "blocky"

For fast, up close defensive use why do you even need sights? I despise big sights even tho my 1911 has them. I like a real thin front blade and a fixed/dovetailed rear. If you don't try to control it your eyes will automatically center the front in the rear.


New member
For fast, up close defensive use why do you even need sights? I despise big sights even tho my 1911 has them. I like a real thin front blade and a fixed/dovetailed rear. If you don't try to control it your eyes will automatically center the front in the rear.

Once upon a time, a couple decades back, my eyes were second to none. Any standard type sight was crisp, clear, and easy to pick up.

As time went by, things changed. Now, here's no faster sight for close range defensive shooting than a great big, round, express sight one can actually see. Or maybe a big wide one, with daylight.

It's pretty silly for us to be arguing about what sight is best-- as though every ones' eyes were like ours.