Does anyone believe the recession was over?

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New member
I 'm not sure who these experts are that keep telling us the recession was over, but we may now fall back into one again soon. Now with the level of unemployment in this country and the lack of new money coming to retailers, when did some moron decide that we are out of the recession. I know people are dealing with it the best they can, but the way I see it, unless there are more jobs giving people more money in THEIR pockets, the recession is still here. Notice I capped "their" in that sentence. I did so because I can care less how the stock market has risen to new heights. I'm sure the poor guy without a job is a heavy investor in the market. The way I see it, rich people are the major investors right now. And for those of us without $1ks of dispposalable cash, we are just hoping our 401ks wont tank.
Please, this is not to become a political debate, no finger pointing, just your opinion as to what you believe is happening to the economy right now.


Staff In Memoriam
And this is directly related to guns exactly how?

Did you read the rules or just fib when you clicked the box saying you had/would?



New member
The bottom will fall out again.
We've got another rough 3 years, before the degree of improvement will be measurable (from the low point we have not yet reached). Give it 5 years, before we feel comfortable again.

I don't anticipate "normalcy" until 2020 or 2021.

The up side is that the firearm industry is still doing well. As long as we squirrel away our pennies, and send them off the firearms companies, we can keep them going strong.
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