Doctors & gun control


New member
I received the text of this article in a group email amongst my fraternity brothers many of whom are now doctors and surgeons. Many of them are in favor of gun control. Some are not.

I found this article by a trauma surgeon to be refreshing in that I believe it visits the vicinity of the REAL root cause of gun violence and instead of blaming what's in my gunsafe, opens the door to where the solution is much more likely to be found.

This could be a useful reference for letters and discussion with legislators and others.

If you know a doctor you might be able to get it. (or PM me)

Annals of Internal Medicine. "Preventing Trauma Surgeons from Becoming Family Doctors"

(Driveby NOT intended)
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New member
I tried to look at the link you posted and you have to "Buy the article" and sign up to read it. I am not interested in signing up for any single article. Can you copy and paste here? If not this is worse than a drive by post. Sorry, no can do.

Spats McGee

No, he may not post the whole article here. To do so would violate our copyright infringement policies.

OP, is there another legitimate source for this article?


New member
Yeah, sorry about that.

PM me with your email and I'll send via email. It's too long for a single PM.

The point of the thing is that this surgeon treats gunshot wounds in Baltimore.
Hundreds of them. Often gangsters in the same family, often the same ones.
Talking to mom on the 2nd and 3rd time she sees the surgeon treating one of her kids offers a "teachable moment."

The article isn't about guns or gun control. It's about a culture of violence that sends him patients and sometimes the same ones multiple times.

The site offered this info suggesting reprints???:
From Center for Surgical Trials and Outcomes Research, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.

Requests for Single Reprints: Adil H. Haider MD, MPH, Center for Surgical Trials and Outcomes Research, Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 600 North Wolfe Street, Halsted 610, Baltimore, MD 21287; e-mail,
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The article isn't about guns or gun control. It's about a culture of violence that sends him patients and sometimes the same ones multiple times.
Just make sure you don't think the culture of violence is limited to Baltimore or other urban centers. Our culture of violence is of the highest quality in the world, and as such we export to every corner of the globe.