Doc Walther saved by his wife during robbery


New member
Hi guys! I have been gone for about a month and I am trying to get caught up, but I wanted to get this out there so you would know.

I was at the Dallas Market Hall gun show on Oct 5 and was able to say hello to Dr David Avery, commonly known as Doc Walther to gun show goers on the Texas show circuit. His web site is I have known Dr Avery for many years and purchased more than a couple of guns from him in that time. I found out that the weekend before, after the Mesquite Big Town show, he was the victim of an attempted robbery. After the show he and his wife, Pat, went to their home outside McKinney, Tx. Unknown to them they had been followed by two armed and masked men. One man stayed in their car, the other armed with an Kalashnikov type rifle dragged Dr Avery out of the car and forced him to the ground holding the rifle to the back of his head. Dr Avery had a hard time understanding the assailant due to his heavy and unidentifiable accent. No description was available because they were masked. With her husband on the ground, Pat drew her S&W J-frame and began firing from inside the car. The first shot hit the door pillar. All in all she fired four times. The would be robber began running for his getaway vehicle while returning fire from his AK. Neither of the Avery's were injured. The getaway car was found abandon a short time later with blood in it. It had been stolen.

Here you are. A perfect example of a legally armed individual stopping a potential murder with a licensed handgun. I am amazed that this little lady was able to fight off an AK armed criminal with a little J-frame. The Avery's are not young and for Pat to be able to pull this off is nothing short of incredible. Dr Avery is very proud and happy with his wife's action. I am too.


New member
The bad guys intentionally targeted a gun show dealer leaving a gun show??? They ought to learn to pick softer targets. Since the attackers had a heavy accent, maybe the women in their country never carry guns and it caught them off guard. Never under estimate an American woman, let alone a Texan. Good for her!!!

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. Several years ago, I bought a pistol from the good Doctor and was treated well. I'm glad he and his wife are OK.

Best and thank you for the story.


New member
Wasnt this incident posted about a few weeks ago, but without the names? It was something like "My gunshop had a locked front door because an elderly couple attending a gunshow were followed home..." Very interesting that it was someone known here.



New member
When I drove through texas, there were anti-litter signs that said "Don't mess with Texas!!" I think this would apply here...

Robbing a gun show??? That's Darwinism award contender in my book!