Do you want to save our Constitution?


New member
Well we still can.
We all talk about it, not much happens we send e-mails and write letters to our congress critters, it may stop this or that bill but we are always back to the key board sending more e-mails and letters to stop the next socialist bill that is introduced.

It is time to put an end to all the unconstitutional bills and laws that are past by the socialist Democraps and Republicraps.

Congressman John Shadegg (Arizona) introduced H.R. 175. The Enumerated Powers Act. in Jan 3, 2001. It is a bill to require congress to specify the constitutional authority for enactment of laws.It now has 24 cosponsors but it needs more. You can help by sending an e-mail or letter to your congress critter and ask that they cosponsor this bill.

If this bill becomes law it very well may stop the infringement on our Second Amemdment and it may even help repeal a whole bunch of unconstitutional laws. You can find the contents of the bill at.

Click on Current Legislation, then click on H.R. 175 Enumerated Powers Bill. While you are there you can send an e-mail or letter to your congress person by typing in your zip code in the Take Action Box and it will automatically give you the congress person to send it to, and if they are already a cosponsor please send an e-mail to thank them.

I would also like to ask all of us TFLers that view other Web Sites to please post this. WE need all the help we can get. By the way the founder of The Liberty Committee is Congressman Ron Paul.

One more comment, please sign up for their e-mail alerts. The people at The Liberty Committee, and those that support what they believe may be our last best hope to save our Constitutional Republic short of enforcing it ourselves, and I really don`t want the later.

PS; Dont let this Thread roll off to far, because some members dont visit that often. Your views are welcome.


New member
Good bill, I hope they don't manage to ammend it to death, or worse yet, ammend it into something so vile it becomes bad instead of good.


New member
I don't think these bills stand a chance...BUT...

It will be hysterical listening to the back-bending contortionist logic necessary to explain why the Left is not in favour of constitutionally justifying their legislation.

As to affirmation of our status as a republic, I think the finer details of that are lost upon society at large, and thus no one will care if it gets quashed.

Query: not having read the text of the enumerated powers bill, what is to prevent liberal legislators from crafting their usual legislation and using spurious constitutional logic to meet the 'constitutional justification' criterea of this bill? And is this not really why we have a judicial branch, anyway? (<---speaking as the strict constructionist that I am) I mean, if we have a problem with the constitutionality of legislation, should we not be filing suit?



New member
I am no where near being a lawyer, but what I read in the summary of H.R. 175. Is The Enumerated Powers Act requires all proposed federal legislation to state the underlying constitutional authority for the measure.

The Constitutiton limits government to a few specifically enumerated functions. Under H.R. 175, members of congress must eather abandon unconstitutional proposals or risk scrutiny when phony "commerce clause" or " general welfare clause" justifications are used.

To answer your question. I dont think it will stop some unconstitutional laws, but it should slow them down by the elimination of the commerce and general wellfare clauses. And make it possible to file a suit we can win.