Do you want Speed Strips in new calibers?


New member
.44 Special would be my main hope.

But I've said for years now that it looks like there is enough "slop" in a rubber design like this that they could probably make one single "new size" that would fit .41 Special, .41 Magnum, .44 Special, .44 Magnum, and .45 Colt all at once!



New member
People have asked for more selections since the speed strips came out. Maybe they just aren't listening hard enough or have selective hearing.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
POI - -

Thanks for the reminder and the address. E-mail sent:
Hi - - A member at discussion board suggested it might help to express interest, and furnished your e-mail address.

I've been using the .38/.357 Speed Strips since they were first introduced - - In the early 1970s, wasn't it? I like them but have always wished they were available in other calibers.

I especially would like to see them for .45 Colt, .44 Special, and .41 magnum. I'd also buy some in .45 Auto Rim if such was offered, but I realize the market for THOSE would be rather small.

In that speedloaders for .45 Colt will also handle .44 Special, I'd imagine you could offer a single size Strip for .45 Colt, .44 mag, and .44 Spl.

I am not a dealer and cannot promise you huge sales, but I'd sure buy some, and would try to get my dealer friends to order, as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

Johnny Guest