Do you use gun locks?


New member
Obviously, CCW and HD weapons wouldn't count in this, so no need for anybody to come in and say "What's the purpose of having a CCW or HD, if it's locked?"

I only ask this because I brought one of my rifles in to get the scope bore sighted. When the lady behind the counter asked me to open the bolt and show me that it was unloaded, her co-worker chuckled and said "There is no bolt, he has it locked."

I only ask this, because after I was done with the firearm check in, as I walked away, I heard the lady say she has never seen a gun locked before.

On my Win M70, I removed the bolt and put it in a ziplock baggie, and run the lock through the bolt action.

My SKS and Marlin 5510 both have trigger locks.

My 835 has a cable lock through the ejection port to the feeder hole.

I just feel safer with all my firearms locked up (no kids or anything), and it really surprised me that an employee at a major hunting store said she has never seen a firearm with a gun lock on it.
I do not use them. In fact I do not like anything that goes inside the trigger guard. Nothing belongs there but a finger, IMHO. I keep my guns in a safe. :)


New member
i use a lock going thru national parkland(not for much longer:)) because its quick for disabling the firearm. depends on the firearm, but i keep a cable lock and a trigger lock in my vehicle.:barf:


New member
I keep mine handy, yet hidden, and loaded. Not locked. If I want them safe from others.. I keep them in one of my safes. A locked gun is not even as effective as a club against bad guys.


New member
No, none used here. ALL my firearms are locked behind a steel double locked door and the ammo is kept seperate from them inconspicuously. One shop gives a cable lock with every firearm purchase. Told a customer once who wnated some I'd give him mine and the sales clerk said that's fine but to please do so after the sale(s) and outside. Not a big deal I suppose it's policy and that's fine. I've given some of these free ones away to others too who because of small children in thier house (in-home daycare0 kinda wanted some on thier couple firearms.
One is kept completely accessable yet again, quite inconspicuous.


New member
I don't use them, I just keep mine in safes.

If I were to use something like that it would be a cable lock. Sure as heck wouldn't be a trigger lock. I think its unsafe to put anything inside the trigger guard.

I can't believe people actually put trigger locks on loaded guns... and I think its really sick all the anti-gun people who don't know the first thing about guns promote doing so.


New member
Well, I sure don't keep any guns loaded. If I had a safe, I wouldn't use the locks though. I could use cable locks on the SKS and 5510 shotgun, but I'd have to leave the mag hanging on the SKS, and leave the mag out for the 5510. As for the Larona O/U I should be picking up soon, the only place for a lock is the trigger.


New member
I've got quite a few of the just sitting around. Decided gun safes were a much better way to go and now keep all my guns locked up in a couple safes. Easier than trying to ride herd on a bunch of different keys for the various locks.


New member
i throw all my locks in a 5 gallon pail, when the pail gets full i toss it in a car and haul the car for scrap when the car is full....

damn things are JUNK.

when i was growing up my dad never had trigger locks on guns, we didnt own a safe, the ammo was kept right under the guns...AND WE KNEW BETTER THAN TO TOUCH EITHER!!!!


New member
I don't use locks for securing at home, but I will when transporting to and from the range. Hey, it's California, can't be too careful....


New member
The only reason I keep the locks is in case I sell the gun (maybe the new own would want them for scrap metal)....the locks stay in the gun cases in the closet.


New member
I have one trigger lock it is called a Liberty safe. Other than that I have a really bad notion about anthing that goes into the trigger guard. In the stores I have seen some that would allow you to pull the trigger enought to fire the firearm. So what good does that do?


New member
I've got mine either locked up or hidden. The hidden ones are loaded. I don't have any children in my home so I do not use any trigger or cable locks.