Do you think the California weapons ban will last?


New member
Isn't this agenst the constitution and the bill of rights? I mean I would (edit) a brick if Mn pulled this kind of (edit) on me.

(edit) = bad words:)

Gary H

New member
You are kidding..right..

The Constitution of United States and select amendments are never a problem for the liberals.

Jim March

New member
Actually, the 9th Circuit just agreed to review Hickman vs. Block in light of the actual scholarship done in US vs. Emerson.

And California's Attorney General just admitted that the foundation stones of all gun control in California are either extremely racist, or are based on the "collective right interpretation" of US vs. Miller which is coming rapidly unglued after 60 years of outright lies.

Go here for a starting point:

Follow the links :). Lockyer's "reasoning" :barf: is identical to the arguments put forward by Alameda County in the Nordyke gun show case Don Kilmer is fighting, in which the 9th Circuit has agreed to re-think this whole "collective rights" thing.

The 9th Circuit will have a real hard time perpetuating the lies in Hickman vs. Block because in comparison to the 5th Circuit's truth in Emerson, the 9th would look like idiots.

Bingo! It will only get worse for Californians. I was shocked to see that most Glocks made the approved list, and that Sig, H&K, and Beretta also were approved. I would not be surprised if California outlawed all semi-auto weapons in the next 5 years.


New member
In answer to your question, NO as one day, there will be no more firearm ownership by the people in Kalifornia.The liberals, left leaning Church, and millions of people climbing the fences down at the border heading north bound, will make this State similar to a South American dictatorship.

Larry C.
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New member
I don't see that happening until Davis, Lockyer, Perata and their ilk gets removed from office. :mad: You can take that to mean whatever you like.
"Outlawed the sale of, or posession?"

As in outlawing the possesion of and confiscation of all registered. The state already has a registration of all handgun owners so collecting them from the law abiding would be rather easy. They have already confiscated some registered assault rifles so it's been proven that California lawmakers are not above this scenario.

Jim March

New member
Guys, it's not as bad as y'all think.

If it gets any worse, it'll start affecting the rich. When that happens, the GOP will get a big burst more money - and the Dems know it.

Malone LaVeigh

New member
Jim's right. I know this might bea fine point for a lot of y'all, but guns (in general) are not "banned" here in California. Yeah, a lot of interesting firearms that I would like to (and intend to) own at some point in my life are not legal here. And it will certainly be a PITA to purchase handguns starting next year. But don't count us out just yet.

I still have some faith that well-meaning people who are organized well and energetic can turn the tide.


New member
Contrary to Mr. March and his efforts, I will be surprised if the rest of the nation resists Kali level gun restrictions for more than a few more years. Unless the pendulum is truly swinging back, I feel all these security "measures" will bring more infringement. There does not seem to be a strong, self reliant, defensive spirit in the population at large. If the first person on the scene (the potential victim) can't trust or be trusted to make a critical determination for action, how can the second or third responder (LEO) do it?

El Rojo

New member
Speaking strictly as a former subject of the People's Republic of California, it's going to get worse, much worse.
Why do all of these "former subjects" of the PRK claim to know everything about California? Sorry Standing Wolf, but how do you know what goes on over here anymore? You aren't here. You probably could care less. Yet as a "former subject" you know that it is going to get worse? How is that? It never ends the number of people who don't live in California knowing everything about California. How? Who knows. Some of them might actually know what they are talking about, but the vast majority only know the rumors from their friends when discussing the "poor saps" of the day.

This thread would best be reposted in about a month after the elections. I will make my guess then.