Do you surround yourself with others......?


New member
I have tried to surround myself with others that have common interests particularly shooting and guns. The particulars don't bother me like what Brand of weapons you prefer or calibers for that matter what maters to me is that the interest is there. There are about 20 people that have the same interest. The group started out a few years ago with a core group of 5-7 and the numbers have grown since. I try to surround myself with others that think and shoot the same as I do and think like they do. Am I the only one that seeks people out like this?


New member
Just from a bonding point, it seems like most of my friends come from work (EMS) which creates a tight knit group and it seems like we all have similar passions. Id say 3/4 of my county are shooters. The rest of my friends are my wifes friends husbands which eh were not so tight but most hunt, want to hunt, or want to shoot but their wives won't let them keep a gun. (were slowly gonna work on them)


New member
I have tried this and for the most part, it has been to no avail. Everyone is pretty much in the same boat as me, so much time is spent in family events such as school sports and other school activities, church, work and just life in general that it makes it difficult to have time to get together for anything. So, with the exception of a couple of folks, my son and I pretty much go it alone.


New member
That would indeed be the case for me now that I think about it. I can clearly identify two groups that I have regular association with; religion and hunting/firearms.


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When it comes to shooting, I'm pretty much a loner. I occasionally shoot with my brother, my daughter or my TaeKwon-Do buddy, but not very often.


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No, I don't surround myself with others. I'm a real hermit. When I shoot, I prefer that the entire range be empty. Stay away, leave me alone, let me light a cigar and open my thermos, and do what I choose without having to endure conversation. I work at home, and I go for weeks at a time without speaking to anyone.

I value online conversation, as I have always found that even though some people online are pretty useless, the general population where I go are far more intelligent and knowledgeable, and well mannered, than the people I would meet in person.


New member
I don't tend to "surround" myself with others either. I do however, have a few close friends in different hobbies that I enjoy spending time with. I prefer to spend my time with a few that mirror my style and ethics, than to have a crowd around me that I have only the one interest in common. Just because one shoots doesn't mean they like to shoot what I shoot. Just because someone hunts, don't mean they hunt the way I do. Just because someone rides a motorcycle don't mean they want to ride from sunup to sundown like I do. I'm a believer in quality over quantity....especially when it comes to friends. Now that don't mean I won't shoot league Sporting Clays or go on a charity ride where there are larger groups of folks......I do and I enjoy them. I just don't spend a lot of time with the majority of those there.


New member
I typically get stabbed in the back by most people

You have that problem too?

Pretty much a loner in general anymore (see above) and somewhat by nature, and mostly shoot alone as well unless FiL is feeling up to it. Little woman is not really a fan of guns, so I don't make her go with, but she's usually good for a mag or 2 when she's in the mood to humor me or humble me.

Her uncle shot IPSC and taught her, so its usually more humbling than humoring:confused:. Heh, "Stop what you're doing or I'll hand my gun to my wife!":D


New member
I'm in my late 60s I would go to the range a lot by my self. I wanted to shoot groups or do work on something and hated being bothered by others. If someone came to me to say "Hi" or something I would be nice and talk back. I don't like mean people.
After my stroke my wife will only let me go if I take someone, so I take a 14 year old who is interested in shooting and I could train.
Train as to when to bother me. I give him a Ruger 10/22 that I bought at a discount store for only $29.95 back in the 60s when they first came out, and several boxes of .22 so he just sits and shoots with me.
So to male a long story short I would rather go alone.


New member
Since my son and I have an interest in target shooting, we have developed a reason to get together with friends from back in high school, friends from work, and family....

We get together and shoot.

As much as I love shooting, it is even more valuable to spend time with family and friends - you never know how long they are going to be around.


New member
My weekly quota for human contact is generaly met before noon on Monday.

Outside of work I stick pretty much to myself. My shooting, hunting, fishing, riding and work around the farm rarely involves anyone exept my daughter. However, that time is getting less and less as she gets on with her life.

TFL is as close to a club or organization as I need to get. :)
I try to surround myself with others that think and shoot the same as I do and think like they do.
I'd think that would lead to the sort of insularity and cliquishness I see too often in the gun culture. Frankly, if everyone I associated with thought the same way I did, what would we have to talk about?

My friends come from all walks of life, and they're a colorful bunch. Our ideas may differ, but I prefer to surround myself with open-minded people.

...which, sadly, doesn't seem to be much of the gun culture lately. Sometimes, I actually like to have conversation that doesn't lapse into a fevered rehashing of political diatribes.


New member
Not me. I'm a tad misanthropic. Most people annoy the hell out of me. The flip side is, you'd never know it if you met me in person. I can be a "chatty cathy" at times and I'm always nice and polite to others around me. But I never seek out others to partake in my activities, preferring to go it alone. :)