Do you support the war in Iraq?

Do you support the war in Iraq?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 166 65.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 84 32.9%
  • Undecided/Don't Know/Don't care.

    Votes: 5 2.0%

  • Total voters


New member
I have given a lot of thought to this lately, and was really interested how many members here, knowing what we all know now (i.e. No WMDs, No links to terrorism), would support the bombing,invasion and occupation of Iraq.

If this has been done to death, I apologize. I don't get over to this side of the forum as often.


New member
Saddam was not a nice guy - sure we can prove that. Was he bad for Iraq? Of course, but is it our place to remove him? The are dictators with whom the US has close ties. Why is he so different?
The trouble is that the war was justified using what appear to be lies. It seems that this war was illegal, and I think that we should be setting an example - a good example - to others. I support the guys over there who believe what they are doing is right, and I feel for those who don't think they should be there (however, that is part of joining the military).
Sure, it was easier to do it this way than wait for an attack (if indeed there was one coming our way), but it was not right.


New member
seems like this could also say is a 9mm better than a 45?

lets debate about the debate held to end all debates..................

feel like I am a high schooler again...........

Ah................... never mind ;)


New member
I hated all that high school stuff, but this is much more informal. Anyway, this is a discussion forum, so lets discuss...


New member
Did I support the president when we went in? Yes.
Do I support the president for keeping our boys there now? No.

Why? Because in my mind nation building is not worth the lives of American soldiers. Am I upset because we sent ground troops in without fire-bombing the Sunni triangle? Yes.

We got Saddam, we searched for WMDs. Good. Now get out. There is no reason our troops should be getting shot while painting schools. That country will never be what we hope it to be, we shouldn't force it. It's not our right, responsibility, or in our best interest. Just read their constitution. Another Islamic state anyone?

What we should have done was pull a Cuba... take a small area for a permanent base and leave them the rest.

Why the hell are we fighting a politically correct war? :mad:


New member
We got Saddam, we searched for WMDs. Good. Now get out. There
is no reason our troops should be getting shot while painting schools. That country will never be what we hope it to be, we shouldn't force it. It's not our right, responsibility, or in our best interest. Just read their constitution. Another Islamic state anyone?



New member
I certainly didn't feel that way when I started the thread, Rojoe67. It was meant as an honest question, and a solicitation of opinions. I am curious what the rest of you think about it now that the truth is out. In a way, the responses here are an indicator (albeit non-precise) of how this country (or the gun-toting countrymen at least) feels about a lot of issues, some of which were mentioned by chorlton. Is this okay? Not okay? Doesn't matter? I am not striving to resolve the issue retro-actively, or resolve it period. I merely want to see where we stand on the issue as a group.


I don't think we're in Iraq for any of the reasons stated in White House briefings or by talking heads on the news. I think we're there to send a general message to the Arab/Muslim world and establish a beachhead - if the democrazation of Iraq works.

I just don't know if the above is going to be worth the loss of US and Iraqi life, in the long term. Especially if their new government collapses.


New member
No links to terrorism? He was paying families of Palestinian suicide bombers $25,000 a "pop." Or is it that terrorist murder of innocent Jews doesn't count?

Shooter 973

New member
Support the War in Iraq?

Yes I still support the war in Iraq. I'd lots rather have the fighting and bombings happening there than here. We have to fight these radicals some where, why not here. If we are successful in establishing a Democratic type govt. in the Middle East maybe it will spread and things will get better. The terrorists started this and we have to finish it. Better there than here.


New member
Thanks for the replies. Like I said, I am not trying to start a holy war, I am only looking to get your opinions. I'm not interested in changing anyone's mind. I know how impossible that is.

mvpel--I don't know exactly what you are talking about, or what the source of this info is, but I am guessing Sadaam didn't have it posted on his website. In any case, I should have been more specific--No links to Al Qaeda or 911--incidentally, one of the two primary reasons for us killing Iraqis and invading their country, which is what this thread is about.

Knowing that Sadaam didn't pull 911, knowing that he has no WMDs, would you, knowing this information, still support an invasion of Iraq? That's what I want to know.


New member

Ohh, I see. Being Jewish and on a bus automatically makes one guilty huh? Guitly of what? Being born?



No matter what the cause for war, I voted NO! We do not have a wartime leader, just a mediocre President who can't think on his feet or sitting or in ANY position. Wasted opportunity, wasted Presidency :barf: To think that at the beginning I was a believer. :(


New member
Wasn't America's turning and running after taking a few causalities in Somalia and its continued feckless behavior after each terrorist incident since than a reason cited by Osama to strike the US on Sept 11th?

As one who has fought there a couple of times and is going back next year, I am more than happy to have the war over there vice over here. Iraq is seen as the Jihad super bowl and if they couldn't go there, they would try to come here to kill Americans.

Cutting and running would be seen as an act of cowardice by our enemies and would lead to more attacks here.


New member
Sorry TX RGR..........

Your post is important and worthy of long and endless review.

I have a great friend (veteran Marine) whom, has a little Marine brother over in Iraq now. He spent over a year+ in Afghanistan too. I tend to jump too quick before I think and speak on this issue....... Again I am sorry for the way I started off......

Let me tell you why I think it was and remains important that we finish the mission we start. If, at this point in the war and it's post operations, we give in and retreat from the cause, many more human lives will be lost. We can't honor the fallen and those injured in this action by not finishing the mission. That is just how I look at it in the big picture. Do I hate the length and magnitude of this task? More than I could ever express. I wouldn't wish the conditions on anyone. Is it and was it a war worth fighting? I continue to say it was. Is any war easy or does the blood shed ever heal the wounds of those left behind? No. If we continue to fight the fight and God willing win enough Iraqi's hearts, they will rise and retake the nation they deserve. It's my hopes that once they do, they remember what a good nation of people we are. It is also my hopes that this action and reaction spills over Iraq's borders. A dreamer I might very well be, but without a dream what would we have for a country? Our founding father's had no cake walk did they?

OK, I have the anti flame suit on........... light me up....... :D

Regards.......... Rojoe67

Psalm 144:1

New member
We won`t be leaving

Iraq anytime soon, because it looks to me that we`re going to be using it as a staging base for the assault on Iran-if and/or when that happens. There is enough bad blood between those two nations that an American trained and equipped Iraqi army might be useful cannon fodder;that is iffen we can get the insurgent element under control.


New member

We still have troops in Japan and Europe too........... Many moons since WWII was over......... Occupation forces to some extent come with the price of going to war........and winning....

Occupation forces help rebuild what was broken.......from schools, hospitals, houses, water treatment plants, waste water plants, utilities and help form and advise (?) a new and better (?) govenment and system......

They also maintain a foot on soil that was fought and died for.....

Kevin Quinlan

Hi Tx Rgr,

I voted yes but my opinion, nor does yours count. Lets look at the people who are fighting this war. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO'S VOICES COUNT. In the last Pres election 86% of the Army who voted, voted for Pres Bush. This is according to the Army Times. Leatherneck Mag. reported 92 % of Marines voted for Pres Bush. Let the people who are walking the walk be heard. Not us sitting here in the States on our asses.



New member
right on......

Good point Kev........... I like that idea more each time I reread this post......

Seems very fair to me........ :D

Ps....... within a few weeks when I raise my hand again......... I'll come back to this post and state how I feel as weekend warrior. I am 99.9% sure my answers won't need an edit..... ;)