Do you stick with one caliber?


New member
Just curious to see just how many people switch it up or stick with the same caliber with all their handguns


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NO! My guns are in calibers all over the place.
I think there is a difference between people who just enjoy guns and shooting, and people who look at guns strictly as tools for hunting, SD, or competition.


New member
Just curious to see just how many people switch it up or stick with the same caliber with all their handguns
Is your question concerning CCW... or just handguns in general? I suspect the intent of your question is the former.

For CCW, only .32ACP, 9mm and 45ACP... however, I'm currently contemplating a .357SIG chambering for seasonal use. In "general purpose and collector handguns"... well, that's another story. ;)



New member
I carry every thing from 9mm, 40, 10, 45. My EDC tend to stay with light guns and that is 9mm. Home gun is the big stuff. Hunting is the really big stuff.
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New member
I only own 9mm so far, but I plan on owning .22LR and .45, as well. I'm unmotivated to own other handgun calibers.


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I went for a few years with 5.56, 9mm, and 45acp... then a 40 or two made its way in, a few 38's, some 22's, 308, and on and on... and now I have given up. I was trying not to break into a million different reloading set ups but that only lasted so long. I will say that 3/4 of what I have fall into the 9mm, 45acp, and 5.56 range.


New member
I'm with Dan, I try to stick to a few calibers so I dont have to stock too many different ones. That will also keep the reload equipment cost down.


New member
CCW is a .45 and 9mm (.38 on a rare occasion) My wife switched her CCW from .357 to a 9mm.

We have a few target .22's we shoot also.


New member
Just sold all my 45 and 40 stuff. I am strickly 9mm now. I have 7 handguns and thousands of rounds for those 9mm. Cheaper to shoot and I don't have mulitable ammo cans. Easy to grab and go, not digging for the right amo if SHTF.


New member
I use to have a multitude of diffrent calibers untill one day I got tired of keeping all the supplies I need to reload for all of them. Now all my centerfire handguns are either 45acp or 41mag.


New member
I think there is a difference between people who can afford to just enjoy guns and shooting, and people who look at guns strictly as tools for hunting, SD, or competition.


Mine are 9mm and 38 SPL. Had .45 ACP and will again one day for the sake of 1911's everywhere.

Other than those 3, I prob won't add other handgun calibers.