Do you shoot with the"Thumbs Forward" grip?


New member
I do, and when I first started shooting with this grip a few years back when I started shooting alot of auto's it improved my shooting dramatically. Not only does it help manage recoil better, but it also aids point shooting and helps me get my sights on target quicker. The grip just works for me. There have been times I took newbies shooting and after teaching them the thumb forwards grip they immediately started shooting better and more consistent groups.
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New member
thumbs forward does not allow me to use an extended slide stop and also does not give me the proper grip to always deactivate a standard grip safety.

I shoot thumbs forward therefore I do not ccw a 1911 until I can buy one with a good sized grip safety bump.


New member
I shoot thumbs forward and when I did this on my Mk I Desert Eagle on the first range trip, the cut out in the slide contacted my left thumb (right handed)...right on the edge of the thumbnail. It ripped the right side off pretty easily.

it sucked.


New member
Z400ACDC said:
Do you shoot with the"Thumbs Forward" grip?

Yep. <flamesuit on :D>



New member
you're going to blow your thumbs off shooting revolvers like that.

Only if you are using high pressure loads. I have to shoot J frames with a thumb forwards grip otherwise my thumb gets in the way of my trigger finger when firing. I have even shot full power.357's with a thumb forwards grip and the most you will get is some powder residue on your thumb.


New member
That's closer to the "two thumbs up" grip used by Cooper, Chapman, and that generation of shooters. People who go to Gunsite still use that grip.

Two thumbs forward:



New member
40CalGuy I had the same thing happened when a friendly shooter offered for me to shoot his DE 44 mag. Wow what a rush but my thumbnail was ripped pretty far back because of it. I would shoot it again in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.


New member
The thumbs forward position, one behind the other, does a very important thing when done correctly.
It helps lock the wrist and greatly helps with recoil and aiming.
To avoid the slide hitting the thumb, simply keep a small gap there, similar to keeping the trigger finger slightly away from the frame, to prevent pushing the gun sideways.


New member
We had a guy almost shoot a S&W 500 thumbs forward.
Lucky for him the owner of the gun stopped him before he got the hammer back.
I tried it myself with a 44mag and got a nasty burn.
Pistols yes - revolvers no!


New member
I don't rightly know what you would call my grip.
I don't shoot thumbs forward,
I don't shoot thumbs stacked,
I don't shoot cup in saucer,

I just shoot...two handed...

chris in va

New member
I will probably transition soon. I'm finding a thumbs forward gives me a more stable hold and closer to the bore axis. Both my CZ's have ample beaver tails to prevent hammer bite.