Do you love the shooting sports?

Buzzard Bait

New member
If you do love the shooting sports here is what the old buzzard bait thinks you should do. Get out the 22 grab some targets and ammo and take a kid shooting. Make it the kids day, make it fun and informative and you will be rewarded many times over.
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New member
I have promised the gf's daughters they can shoot up the Halloween pumpkins with my Buckmark at end of the month.They got six or seven.Two of them are about the size of a football,gonna let them each put a 45hp thru them with my 1911.
I bought them a bb pistol and both have done good with it.So I am gonna let them move up to the 22.
Her youngest(10) has already shot the 1911 and my 38 once.Eyes size of silver dollars and grin from ear to ear.