Do you know where ALL your guns went?


New member
Can you account for every gun you have ever purchased that you don't have any more? Do you know who you traded, sold, gave, etc. each gun?


New member
I have only ever sold one gun. It was about a year ago and I know who has it. I did have one stolen by an old landlord so I dont know where that is.


New member
Strange you should ask; I was just thinking about this the other day.

I sold a Glock G-17 thru a friend once. I trusted his screening of the buyer.

All others I have "placed" in good homes.

I have made a point to get guns off the street (if I could afford to) and hold onto them untill I could find a loving owner.

I would never sell one to someone that I didn't know personally or know thru a very close friend.


I don't care

Do you know where all the Cars you've sold are?
What about all the knives you've sold at yard sales?
What about any lighters or matches you've thrown away?
There are plenty of deadly weapons that are sold each day legally and in greater numbers then guns!!!!!!!!!

If I'm selling any item, and I see some hoodlums roll up, I'm going to bail. But thats for my own safety, not for some paranoia of where my gun/car/yardsale knives are going to show up.


New member
With the exception of a single .38 revolver I gave my ex-wife when we split up, I still possess every gun I have acquired over the years.

Charlie D

New member
I've sold several over about 20 years. A few to friends and a couple as trade-ins at a gun shop. One was to a guy through our company bulletin board. We did the deal in my car in the parking lot. The guy seemed a bit flaky but there were many flaky people who worked there; scientists, you know. ;) Besides, it was a Ruger Bearcat; not the type of gun one wants if they're up to no good.


New member
I have sold several revolvers and Pistols over the years and with the exception of the first one I sold, an RG 38, I have regretted every sale. As a consequence I no longer sell guns, and am a much happier man.


Moderator Emeritus
I suppose...

...that when one's owned five, ten or fifteen guns, it's real easy to keep tabs on them all.

When one has had somewhere between two and three hundred, it just ain't possible. ;)

Do you know where all the baseball cards you owned as a kid are? :D

Brian D.

New member

Hello there. Please turn off your mind reading machine, or at least turn the beam away from my house! I was going to post something VERY similar to your response, bout an hour or more ago,got distracted from this thread and forgot about it. When selling a gun, I do insist on seeing an Ohio I. D., just to make sure they live here and are of age, I tell 'em to put their thumb over their name if they like. Since I have no way as an individual to do a background check, this residency verification is all I can do. I used to keep a little logbook, but it got destroyed by high water in my basement, and I just got out of the habit after that. Eh, I mostly hang onto the ones I buy now anyway. BTW you and I seem to be on the same wavelength on most topics, your machine must be perfectly tuned!;)


New member
I do know for sure where one particular gun went. I received a call about three months ago, from a deputy sheriff in a small town in Oklahoma. He had some questions about an H&K .45 Stainless Compact I used to own. Seems it turned up in a ditch in his town.

I explained that, yes, I was the original owner, then traded it at a local gun show to a very reputable gun dealer. I said I had to believe that whoever found it sure didn't know much about guns, or they might have just kept it. He said "Not much chance of that happening, this time. It was found by a prisoner from the state prison, who was on a road detail. Needless to say, he pointed it out to the guard who was with him." :eek: Yeah, I guess. geegee


New member
When one has had somewhere between two and three hundred, it just ain't possible.
How many other women in this country could make that statement with a straight face... :D
Do you know where all the baseball cards you owned as a kid are?
Yes, In a local landfill...!;)

Hindsight is 20/20 ..


New member
Can you account for every gun you have ever purchased that you don't have any more?

You gotta be kidding. After 500 or so, a couple of burglaries, 45 YEARS of gun ownership and a continuing turnover so that the total at any one time runs around 50 or so? The ATF doesn't keep records that good. Literally.
Of course, MOST were antiques, so little threat out in the world there. However there was that one idiot in Houston who, after the burglary, thought that those .44 mag cartridges he had fit real nice in the 1870's Adams revolver. Tried to hold up a 7-11 and blew his hand off (well, mostly). Police tried to give me back the pieces. After all, it was the only .455 Adams ever stolen (and later used in a crime) in Houston's known history.


New member
I lost all my firearms in a tragic boating accident. We, my guns and I, were crossing the Atlantic in a luxury liner on its maiden voyage, when we happened to strike an iceberg!

Long story short, I drifted about, floating on my AR-7 until rescued by another liner responding to our distress call. I was forced to abandon the bouyant .22 in order to board the over-crowded lifeboat.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


New member
Account for all the guns I've sold? Heck I don't even REMEMBER all the guns I've owned.

I have enough trouble remembering ex's, former addresses and the names of people whom I owe money or want to hurt me (these include the ex's).



New member

Please explain. Please don't throw a statement out like that and just leave it. Were you anticipating what you thought the crowd might say and try to be the first in the chute? Do you truly believe what you said? If so, why? Are we to be responsible for every inanimate object we ever sell, trade, or otherwise give away?

Where's every car you ever owned? Did any of'm kill anyone since? I know what you're thinking:

"Hey, I am not responsible for someone else wrecking my old car, that I don't own anymore, into somebody![/i]

Interesting how that works that way, ain't it.;)


New member
All my guns are magic guns.They either turn into another make and model or $100.00 dollar bills.:D
Some have turned into several $100.00 dollar bills.


Are we to be responsible for every inanimate object we ever sell, trade, or otherwise give away?

Bingo. You're more likely to be killed by a drunk driver then a firearm. I guess I'd better check to see if anyone might drive drunk when I sell a car....:rolleyes:
A gun is a tool. Simply put. I am not responsible for someone else's actions!!!!! The mentality that I should care where my inantimate objects being sold end up is exactly the mentality of the anti's who are suing the gun manufacturers....


New member
I meet the required laws for what I am doing.

Anything beyond that is not something I do, and I sure don't let folks copy my license info when I am dealing with them.

Meet the laws, they are silly enough.


Moderator Emeritus

However there was that one idiot in Houston who, after the burglary, thought that those .44 mag cartridges he had fit real nice in the 1870's Adams revolver. Tried to hold up a 7-11 and blew his hand off (well, mostly). Police tried to give me back the pieces. After all, it was the only .455 Adams ever stolen (and later used in a crime) in Houston's known history.

*snicker* Sometimes the goddess of justice takes a peek out from under that blindfold, don't she? :D