Do you have a handgun you just enjoy having?


New member
Do you have a handgun you just enjoy having?

It doesn’t have to be the one you shoot or carry the most but just enjoy having it?

I have a blued 4” Colt Diamondback in 38 Special that I got several years ago for only $300 at a gun show. It was built in 1978 (I think) and is in LNIB condition. It has a nice trigger pull in SA and DA and is very accurate but the factory grip sucks. Personally I think it is one of the best looking pistol around (after 6” blued Python) and everything just looks “right”. My wife too thinks it is the best looking handgun in my collection. I take it out and shoot it once in a while and I even took it out in the field few times but mostly it sits in my safe.

I have been thinking about getting a real nice custom holster/belt/ammo pouch set made for it and I have a piece of ivory which I would like to use to duplicate the factory grip. I would like to have all this done now and enjoy it a little so I can pass it on to one of my kid some day.

I may not shoot/use it much but I’ll ever sell it… I enjoy having it too much.


New member
I keep buying guns I like, even though I don't shoot much (hope to change this soon). I guess the one I like the most is a gun I bought from my dad for $150 - It's a Smith model 10 PPC revolver. Target hammer, target trigger, 6" douglas barrel. When I want to show off, I take this to the range. I usually chew out the bullseye of the targets with no trouble at all. Don't shoot it much, but it is impressive to look at.


New member
S&W Model 29-3 w/ 4"barrel and target hammer. Paid $295 for it. Load it with 240gr UMC SP ammo and it's a blast, (literally and figuratively), to shoot. Shot it today as a matter of fact. It's my "fun gun".


New member
It's a 4 inch S & W Model 28, and it was my first handgun. Paid $ 125.00. A good local gunsmith re-blued it in a hot bath process, added red ramp front, white outline rear sights, and a set of pachmeyer grips all for $ 100.00. Looks a lot now like a Model 27. Though I don't use it for carry, it always winds up going along to the range. Everyone who shoots it loves the trigger, very smooth.


New member
Two. My Smith 25-5, and my colt's Combat Commander. Both have been rebuilt to my specificatons, and both are not only shooters, but fine looking handguns. I have lots of others, but none that please me from all aspects like these two.


New member
Uh... lots and lots.

Weird-looking stuff, like a Steyr Hahn 1912, Webley Mk IV, or an Astra 600.

Conventional things, like a 6" GP-100, or a Taurus M-82.

Mil-surps, like a CZ-52, or a couple of 1917 revolvers.

Ordinary guns in interesting calibers, such as a Glock 32 or a S&W 1066.

Pocket plinkers in the CZ-50/Colt 1903/E.G. Makarov/PA-63 vein.

"The-one-to-haves" like a S&W M-36, or a Mountain Gun.

Esoterics, like the AMT Automag III or V, or a .45 ACP Broomhandle Mauser.

Oddnesses like an ADC Derringer with 8" barrels in 7.62 x 39.

Plain Vanillas with hot pepper sauce, like a Springfield 1911 with 6 different configurations and 5 different calibers, three of which are rifle rounds.

How many handguns does one "need"? The basic battery is usually a good .22 rimfire, a .357 revolver, and a 1911. That would certainly cover almost any shooting chore one could imagine short of hunting a moose, or going to Africa. Me, I'm a collector. 95% of my handguns are in the category of "owned just to enjoy." The reasons for their purchase are as varied as the guns themselves. :)



New member
It is an old & worn (from lots of use) S&W mod17 22 lr. It is just 6 rounds & no lug under the barrel ,in fact the 6" barrel almost looks too skinny. However it is pure joy to shoot. It has never had a trigger job but it has been shot so much that the action is smother than any trigger job I have ever felt. I don't know how many rounds I've fired through it but has been many cases at 5000 rounds per case.It hits whatever I shoot at , at distances much farther than it has any right to.
It just fits me like a well worn pair of best grade hunting boots , & is a pure joy to own. I own several of these guns in all it's different guises but this gun just seems to call to me every time I go out to shoot & it almost never gets left behind. :D :cool:


New member
My 686. Because when it comes out at the range and I load it with 158 gr. mag loads. All the 9mm, 40 and 45 shooters stop. There aren't that many wheel gun owners around here. And when that 357 goes off at the indoor range they all stop and look. I can't wait to get a 44!!!


New member


New member
It was my Kahr E-9 until I traded it :( . Now it is the one I just got today, a Star Firestar 9mm. I think of it as a single action Kahr.

I also really enjoy my Ruger Speed Six .357 mag in SS. I don't really shoot it all that much, other guns get shot more like my Beretta 92 or my Ruger MKII but I doubt I will ever sell the Speed Six. I just like to hold it and look at it, pretty gun! I have put a high polish all over the gun because it was scratched and dulled from 20+ years of use and storage.

I paid $190.00 for it and I would laugh at someone who tried to offer me what I paid for it.


New member
i have a colt trooper i carried back in the seventies&eighties still shoots great & is accurate as hell,woulden't for anything.


New member
Tough. There are several that I just plain enjoy having and can't quite imagine being without.
  • SiG 230 with nice Nills Grips
  • Unfired S&W M-27
  • Unfired Browning Standard HiPower with Spegel Presentation grips
  • Mint S&W 1917
  • Colt Improved New Service
  • East German Makarov
  • Unfired Colt Police Positive

I sould probably add a S&W M-19 with Sile Combat Grips. That one is just so much fun to shoot.


New member
My Browning BDA .380 in polished blue. When I first started shooting about 20 years ago I thought that the Browning .380 was the most beautiful gun I had ever seen and fit my hand perfectly. I wanted a 9mm so I opted for the polished blued Hi-power.Over the years it always seemed like there was some other gun I "needed" to fill a particular niche. After all these niches were filled I finally got around to getting a Browning .380 about 10 years ago. I hardly ever shoot it but I do love to take it out to admire the design and craftsmanship. I still think it is the finest looking gun made.


New member
I love my S&W 625. I haven't shot it in a long while and it'll be a while before I decide to take it out again. I just love having it. There's just nothing like it.

Blue Duck357

New member
From the way you asked the question I'd say my S/W model 18.

Not as accurate as my Ruger auto, don't really have any "official" use for it, not shot nearly as often since I started reloading...but ain't going nowhere:D

Glen R

New member
It's a toss up between the Sig P220 and the S&W 686. Both are fun but in different ways. The 686 speaks with athority, but the P220 looks mean when staring at that big hole in the end. :)
