Do you get tired of putting away your gun/guns when you leave?


New member
I have a dedicated upstairs nightstand gun and usually have my CCW nearby otherwise. I get tired of having to go back upstairs and get the nightstand gun to put it away in the safe.

I have considered using my CCW as a nightstand gun that way its always with me.

I read that many people keep more than a couple guns around the house so do you get tired of putting them up and taking them back out again or do you just leave them out?

Its not a huge deal but maybe something new to talk about...:p


New member
I don't get tired of it. Its part of the gig.

My CCW is either on me or in the safe. My bedside gun is a 12ga clamped to the wall in a quick release locking clamp thingy so normally this isn't an issue for me.

But ever since I found out the neighbors daughter is a crackhead and was recently arrested for burglary with her crackhead friends I've been keeping CCW on me at all times at home and stashing it in the nightstand while sleeping (as backup to the 12ga). In the morning it goes either on my hip (days off or while I'm at home on workdays) or in the safe (workdays when I have to leave the home office. Company policy= no weapons).

So far I haven't forgotten.


New member
No kids ever in my house so the guns just stay put. Kinda nice having grow kids that live in another state except for this time of year. Then I wish I was a lot closer. Miss seeing my daughter and granddaughter.


New member
No kids ever in my house so the guns just stay put. Kinda nice having grow kids that live in another state except for this time of year. Then I wish I was a lot closer. Miss seeing my daughter and granddaughter.

Concerned about a break in?


New member
My "live" guns are out of sight but not put away by any means. All family members understand how to handle firearms safely and defend themselves should the need arise.


New member
No kids in the house, and I have a Makarov as my bedside gun. I do not put it in the safe when I leave. There is a limit to how much trouble I am willing to go to, and putting it in the safe when I leave exceeds that limit.


New member
I enjoy coming up with innovative hiding places for guns... There are more alternatives than just "out" or "locked up"...

For example, a crude but effective living-place for an auto is on the underside a low cabinet shelf, visible to no-one unless they're on the floor. (My cabinet has a door too so that's another hiding factor.)
And an old stand-by... In a book:
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New member
I carry in my pants pocket. When I go to be I hang my pants on the bed post (with the revolver still in my pocket).

When I get up, I put my pants on. Therefore, like my pants and my revolver is with me all the time and I don't have to worry about walking off without either of them.


New member
Most the time I have my .357 revolver w/ CT laser on my side night stand accompanied by my Remington Express 12 ga. w/ 00 buck propped against the night stand (empty chamber). On the opposite night stand sits my 1911 .45 CCW.

Had the kids and grand kids here over Thanksgiving and put everything in the safe, save my .45 CCW. I have one of those picture frames w/ family picture made for a gun on the wall in the bedroom my CCW was hidden in just in case. To high to reach for grandchildren even if they knew it was there.


New member
I have considered using my CCW as a nightstand gun that way its always with me.
That's the way. If you're anything like me, your CW is what you shoot best anyway. What better nightstand gun could there be, than the one you shoot best and are most familiar with?


New member
Uh Oh Moment!

I left mine beside the bed for awhile. Someone broke into the house one morning while we were at breakfast with friends. Went straight to the bedside and stole the gun and nothing else. I don't leave any out now when I leave.

I got it back in a couple of months. Someone said they found it laying in the street uptown and turned it in to the police. Not a scratch on it but it was missing the ammo and extra magazine. Police wouldn't tell me a thing about who turned it in or anything. Said I might recognize someone and decide to investigate myself.
20g stoeger coach gun

I bought an inexpensive 20g and keep it loaded with 3" buckshot. As some others have said, my kids are gone and no grandkids (yet, always hoping). So the coach gun just stays propped up in the corner by the nightstand. Maybe I should put in in the safe, but it is located where I bought it to locate.


New member
Now that I finally got a safe I'm having to put them away more. The wife doesn't like them out with the rugrats around. Now I guess the only one that will be out will be my EDC when it goes bedside. :mad:

I'm rethinking the purchase of the safe...;)

It doesn't bother me yet, but it probably will soon enough. Thanks for bringing it to my attention...


New member
That's the way. If you're anything like me, your CW is what you shoot best anyway. What better nightstand gun could there be, than the one you shoot best and are most familiar with?

lol not really.. My competition guns belong bedside if this is true.


New member
The only gun that is out and visible is an old Marlin 80 .22 gopher gun by the front door. None of the rest are visible to the casual observer, but they are all out in various and sundry places around the house. Carry gun on the belt.

If someone broke into our cabin they would know there were guns somewhere, because I do not put all the ammo out of sight all the time.

Don P

New member
Better to put it away than to lose it in a robbery. Another way to solve the small issue is to have 1 gun out at a time and have it near by.


New member
No kids, I used to leave them out, but I recently obtained a decent safe in the bedroom. It's easy enough to just put the nightstand gun in the safe in the morning and then secure the safe. When I get home, I open the safe, and at night I put the bedstand gun back where I can reach it.

If my safe was on a different floor I might have also gotten a small pistol safe I could keep in a more convenient location.


New member
I use to keep loaded guns scattered around the house but have now mobil and active grand children over a lot so the bed side gun and the h.d. shot gun are locked in a closet steel vault when I get up in the morning and a pocket pistol is taken out of the vault and pocketed for the day. If going out and want something larger, different, or higher round count back to the vault and change pistols. The actual "gun collection" is in other vaults in other rooms and are never loaded except at the range.