Do you carry IWB?


New member
Hagger has some new pants that are perfect for IWB. They're called comfort fit and they expand. Now you don't have to buy pants two sizes too large or have your hangun digging into your ribcage. :)


New member
I carry 1 IWB, the second on is on the ankle. KS brings up a good point: When the rig starts getting tight its time to run that extra half mile on the treadmill or stop eating so much.


New member
I saw those ads for Hagger pants. Good idea, except that I wear black denim (Wrangler). I've thought about going to a seamstress and having her put a little elastic in the waistband at the back.

She already took in an over-sized leather vest for me, so she knows why I want this stuff done.


New member
Yes, I carry IWB, but where the fat lays on the body kinda determines whether or not comfortable enters the picture. :eek:


Jim March

New member
I'm probably the only guy in the world that carries a knife IWB.

5.45" "megafolder", the REKAT Sifu.

Sigh. California knife laws are pretty good, but the gun laws sure suck so far :(.


Member In Memoriam
BHP in a fairly cheap-o DeSantis IWB every day. No sweat, no mess, no show.

Levis 517s (yeah, I know) ...

33X36 forever & doesn't matter what I eat, or don't. Lizard metabolism works that way. ;)

Gimme jeans.

Dress lacks are for yuppies. :p


New member
Thanks for the tip about the Hagger pants.

Yep, I prefer to carry IWB, but the extra room I used to have for carrying purposes in the waistband of my britches is now taken up by my expanding middle-aged midsection. So, it's high time for either new pants or a new me. :)

Long Path

New member
Good to know.

I'm moving this to General Handgunning, since it pertains (almost) exclusively to HGs. (Jim March, you're not the only one who carries a large folder clipped IWB. Not by a long shot!)


Eric Larsen

New member
I carry IWB daily....and the Hagars wouldnt like what Id do to them, my jeans dont last that long...very abusive envirn.
Thanks for the tip....shoot well


New member
I was that way for a couple of decades. Eat all I want. Till I hit 40, then, well.....
Enjoy it while you can!:p

Jim March

New member
Long Path: who said anything about clips? The first six REKAT Sifus made didn't have 'em, and I'm not a fan of 'em anyways.

No, I use a genuine kydex IWB rig :).



New member
Comfort for me depends on the holster, I carry IWB all the time but I have had to go through some holsters to find one that is perfectly comfortable. Now it is the Galco NSA II all the way