Do you carry in other peoples homes?


New member
Wondering everybody's thoughts. I've heard some guys say they flat ask the homeowners.

I don't say a word. None of their business and why conceal if you tell people?

You never know who people really are, if they have enemies that could come knocking, etc...

I had to detain a car thief in my front yard at gunpoint after he crashed into my neighbors house


New member
I suppose it depends on who they are to you. Close friends will probably already know you carry, and thus asking wouldn't be an issue.

Acquaintances, on the other hand, may not know. Depending on how much you value their companionship, you may be inclined to ask so as not to offend someone that may become a close friend.

You can't always count on people to act like adults with common sense. (why call it common sense when it's not that common?) I guess it depends on the situation and the people you're visiting.

Perhaps if you phrase the question correctly, you may be able to convince just about anyone to let you in with no problems. Something along the lines of 'As a responsible and law abiding gun owner, I feel I should ask if you would be made uncomfortable by me carrying my pistol whilst visiting with you.'

As long as you are respectful, a normal person shouldn't ban you from their home. but given the current political climate, I wouldn't count on people being normal and rational.

On the other hand, as long as it's concealed effectively, what the eye doesn't see the heart won't feel.
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New member
I always have. I don't say anything, they don't say anything. If something happened that somehow made them realize I was carrying a gun and they wanted me to leave with it, I would. I wouldn't ever be coming back but I would leave when they asked me!



New member
In general, the answer is yes. Those who know (or suspect) I and my wife carry don't care. Those who do not know, well, they don't know.

If I was in some ones house, and they asked me if I was carrying, I would answer them truthfully. It is their property, they have a right to know. And of course I would leave if they asked. This has never happened to me.


New member
I feel that it would be the same thing if I asked everyone I could find in Walmart if it was ok.

Concealed means exactly that, concealed. I'm not going to tell anyone I carry. I carry everywhere that I can legally carry: church, funerals, weddings, Walmart and on and on. Unless its pressing business, I don't go where I can't carry. I leave it in my car to go vote, and the post office, ect. In Texas, there are only legally signs that have to meet certain specifications, if they don't have the correct wording and correct specifications, then you are allowed to carry regardless of what the sign says. A "NO GUNS" sign doesn't fly.
I carry in other people's homes, but I rarely visit other people's homes. And I don't live in one of the states that requires you to specifically request permission.

My best friend locally is a fellow Army veteran (albeit he's a generation younger) who knows I am an NRA instructor and that I'm usually carrying. He doesn't mind -- he's trying to find time to take the "Basic Pistol" class from me so he can get his carry license. His only request was that I keep it well concealed if his in-laws happen to be there.

After reading a similar question several years ago, I was talking on the phone with a shooting buddy in another state and I got in my head that maybe I should ask if he minded. So I asked. His response?

"Hell, I'd be upset if you didn't carry. You'd just be one more person I have to protect if you weren't carrying."

After that, I stopped asking.


New member
In some states it can be kinda complicated
In Alaska, if you are legal to own a gun, you are legal to carry it

you must inform police
you must ASK PERMISSION to enter a domicile

So, if you carry into someones house, you have to ask, I have been told to stop asking by most of those people who I am comfortable letting them know...

Others, either I never enter or I leave it outside.


New member
No, I never carry in someone’s home without their permission. While many may disagree I just feel it is common courtesy and make that choice for myself.


New member
If I think the person might be uncomfortable with me having a weapon while in their home I ask. Most of my friends also carry so I don't even worry about it usually though.


New member
Simple question simple answer. Heck yes!

My local casino has a no gun policy. So,...who cares, I'm within the law here, to heck with them.

Worse case, they can kick me out for trespassing.:D
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New member
Do you carry in other peoples homes?

Yes, and if they don't ask, I don't tell.

If my weapons not welcome in yer home then im not stayin either.

My occupation dictates me to be in other folk's homes. If they ask me to leave my gun in the truck while there, I have no problem. I have friends and family that have issues with firearms and I respect them enough to honor their wishes in their home. On those occasions, the risk factor is quite small compared to their company, love and friendship. Your experience may differ.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
jimbob86 said:
None of their business what's in my pants, so long as it stays there.

Interesting phraseology, you sound about like my dad.:D

I agree though, I'm not asking. If someone should happen to know that I carry and request that I do not while in their home, I would oblige. Otherwise, don't ask, don't tell.

Spats McGee

Under Arkansas law, if I carry into a private home, I have to notify the licensee. For me this means:
1) Those that know I carry have been told, and have also been told that I always carry (to the extent legally possible).
2) Those that do not know (& whom I do not wish to tell) are not notified, because I either: (a) do not carry into their houses; or (b) do not go to their houses.