Do you carry in friend's houses - who you think would not approve?


New member
Just wondering how everyone else handles this situtation. I often go to the homes of family or friends who, though I don't know for sure, I strongly suspect would not approve of me carrying concealed (or open for that matter) in their home. Typically, I will put my CCW in the console of my car before entering. Anyone thought about this before?


New member
I used to be worried that my NAA Mini would slide out of my pocket while lounging on my girlfriend's sofa. Not that she was anti-gun, but we had just never discussed them and I wasn't sure where she stood regarding guns. But after the first time I took her shooting, I knew she wouldn't mind me carrying. In fact, she now has my Bersa, and whenever we go out, if are in a creepy looking area or in the woods she always asks "You've got your gun, right?" She now loves guns and shooting and wants a Ruger LCP.

Other than that, all of my friends and family are okay with me carrying.


New member
I carry everwhere it is legal. The key word in concealed carry is concealed. If it is concealed nobody will know you are carrying, so it isn't an issue.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I dont tell anyone I carry. Most of my friends dont know that I carry and would be real suprised to find out I was carrying. Sure they know I have a CCP and have carried once or twice in the past but they have no idea about the frequency. Same goes for my family and the girl I see from time to time. I figure its my business and no one elses. I dont think I should have to announce that I'm carrying a gun but I could understand if someone got upset about it. Case in point; My ex-gfriend and I go to a dinner party at her mom and dads house. We had been christmas shopping all day and I was carrying my 342 in the front pocket of a sports coat. Well, I forgot I was carrying it and gave my coat to her dad when we walked in. Later he went to get my keys to move my car and found the gun. He was not happy and everyone at the house was scared. If your gonna carry and not tell, make sure you hold on to it.


New member
Most people that know me know that I carry almost everywhere, they either ask me not to (only 1 person, my sister:rolleyes:) or else they don't say anything. If I carry concealed no one should know I'm carrying. If someone does have an issue with it and I am in a neighborhood that I don't think my vehicle is a target I will leave it in the safe in my truck. Unless someone knows what they are looking for and suspect you are carrying they probably will not say anything and chances are you won't have cause to pull your sidearm and inform them. If the event comes though that you must make people aware that you are carrying, the scenario will probably make them feel fortunate that you are armed.


New member
I guess I don't get out enough or have to limited a group of friends but none of mine would ever take issue with CCW's. If I did have that issue I would just keep my mouth shut and CCW concealed, like normal.

Moe Howard

New member
I don't ask and don't tell. Then again all my friends know I carry and all are glad I do, and many of them do as well.


New member
Like others have said. What's in my pants is my business.

Now if I had a friend who asked me not to carry in their house I would honor their wishes but I don't volunteer the information that I carry so there is no way anyone to know.


New member
I have a brother who just simply does not like guns.

My 1911 stays in my car/van/truck when I visit him, . . . but only for the time I am out of my vehicle.

I only do it out of respect for his opinions, . . . though we obviously do not always have the same opinion.

May God bless,


I can't stand antis, so they would not be called my friends if they were not ok with my choices as a grown adult.

I'm never leaving my gun in the car, where it can be stolen.


I don't carry one around in my own home.

When I can find my Seecamp, it sits in my pocket like keys and a wallet so it makes no difference. If I cant find it, most of the folks I know have guns in the house so in the extremely highly unlikely almost lightning strike like event of armed robbers breaking down the door they can grab their own gun.

I don't know of any anti gun folks whose homes I would visit anyway.

WildifthebigguycallsmynumberAlaska TM


New member
absolutely not. I respect my friends wishes, even if they do not voice them to make them perfectly clear.

I do not wear a hat into my fathers house and certainly not carry when i go there.

If you can't leave a weapon locked up in the truck while you spend some time with your buds then either you need to get some new friends or not be so paranoid.

This is all IMHO of course :)



New member
I don't have any friends that would not approve of me carrying. Most of them do as well. Family is a different story. When I go to visit them, I leave it in the car. (If you want people to respect your rights, you have to respect theirs. Especially in their house!)


New member
My friends have a right to their opinions, just like me. If they had a problem with the gun, the gun would stay in the car.


New member
I carry where I want, if it's legal. If they don't like it, tough nuts. Leave if you have to, or get new friends, or don't let them know.