Do YOU believe you should never sell a gun?

Do YOU believe you should never sell a gun?

  • NEVER sell a gun. You'll regret it.

    Votes: 46 55.4%
  • If you don't shoot it, sell it. Why tie up capital and space?

    Votes: 37 44.6%

  • Total voters

Dave R

New member
I’ve heard many people here at TFL say “never sell a gun; you’ll regret it.”

Do you believe it?

I’m thinking of doing the improbable. Selling a gun. Not trading it in on a different gun. I’ve done several trades, and have been happy with every one. Turn a gun you don’t shoot often into a new (to you) gun, and you’ll definitely shoot it more often. What’s not to like? You get to upgrade. You get to fine tune your collection. Etc.

But in this case, I’m thinking of turning a gun into cash. Not into another gun.

It’s only a used Kel-Tec P-11. So its not gonna bring a lot of money. Prolly $200 or so. I like the gun. It was my main CCW piece for several years. “Carried a lot, shot a little.” But I got the jones to move up to a .45, and now I don’t carry it. And I haven’t shot it in a while. It’s just taking up space in the safe.

And it got me thinking—how many people really believe you should never sell a gun?

So what do YOU think?


New member
don't do it!!

I sold a Mauser Kar98K once when I was young and dumb and I regretted it so much that I eventually tracked down the buyer and ended up paying him 3 times as much to get it back (had sentimental value as first deer rifle/ birthday present when I was 14). All the other guns I sold during that young/dumb period were sold to my parents/family/friends and I got all them back at the same price I sold them. Just don't do it!
I "trade up" all the time. Guns are just tools

That is true, but when I go into to buy a framing nailer I do not trade in my finish nailer. Otherwise I would soon be missing the finish nailer.

To me guns are the same way. I was forced to sell off my collection due to the first Gulf War and have always regretted it. No matter what I get new I still wish I had my old ones.


New member
I've sold and traded literally dozens of guns in the past couple years. I can't afford to add them without selling them. And, most of the ones I've traded off I do not miss. In fact, I'm getting ready to sell of a couple more. Doesn't bother me a bit to get rid of one to get something I'll like better.


New member
only have sold one, and it was to my father so shes still in the family. But no regrets they are tools, just be wise with what you deal with. I would never sell anything with sentimental value

Easy E

New member
I voted to sell.

I have sold guns off in the past. Some I regret selling, and some I don't.
I consider myself a shooter not a collector. If I find I'm not shooting a particular gun very often I'll think about selling unless it holds some other value for me.

I try to avoid impulse selling. It's worse than impulse buying.


New member
It is rare when I sell a gun of any type.If I do is because I just don't like the gun for some reason,not defective just not accurate or can't get comfortable shooting it:eek: :)


I pretty much agree with Alduro, I have had some crappy guns why keep them? Half the fun of owning guns is going to gunshows and trading, buying and selling.


New member
Sometimes it is OK

I have sold very few firearms (I can count them on one hand) in my lifetime. I have traded even fewer. It is ok in my book to sell to a friend under one of two circumstances. 1)You cannot shoot the piece well (maybe because you find it uncomfortable) and your friend can. 2) You have more than one of a particular piece and your friend reeeaaaalllyyy wants one but cannot locate one in an affordable price range. Other than that, I am of the opinion that firearms should be kept and eventually passed on to children, grand children, etc.


New member
Some guns simply don't perform well or I find out they don't meet my needs well. I have yet to sell a gun that I was upset I sold, I hope that trend continues. They are liquidated.


New member
Guns are for shootin, if you aren't shootin it, sell it. Unless of course it is a collector piece.

Dave Haven

New member
Back in the '80's I built an M1 from a new SA receiver and a Sarco parts kit. After buying an original M1 National Match from a friend, I sold the one I built. No regrets.
In 1980, I bought a used Ruger "Old Army" revolver. I sold it in 1984. Last year, I got bit by the Black Powder bug again and bought another "Old Army" from a friend. The newer one is in nicer shape.:) I ain't sellin' this one.
I don't plan on selling any others. I'll just have to get a another (or bigger) safe.:)
I agree with midnight's principle, I hold the same logic.:D I've traded off several guns for newer and/or better models. The one's I have traded off, I do not miss. Like him, I can't afford to add to my collection without trading a gun for a newer/better model. A couple years ago, I traded a Ruger P-94 .40 for a SA XD40, I definitely did not regret that decision, the XD is a superior gun. Recently, I traded a Firestar .40 for a Taurus MIL-PRO 40, again the Taurus is a superior weapon, I don't regret that decision either.:D

44 AMP

sell my children?


Seriously, its your stuff, do what you want. The only guns I regret getting rid of were ones that I though I would be able to replace, and never did. One shotgun I had to sell (for cash-needed money) took me 30 years to find a replacement (same model gun). When I did , I bought it. some guns I built, used, and later sold, I regret, for the sentimental value. Their shooting value has been replaced, you know, the Winchester M70 in .22-250 shoots great, but it just isn't the Bishop stocked, douglas barreled Mauser with the timmeny trigger that I spent my 16th summer building.:(

I do not engage in the business of buying and selling guns. EVER!

got that, F troop!


New member
As a person without a bottomless wallet and always looking for good deals I sometimes must sacrifice a less used gun to get something better.


To say that you will regret the sale that you want to make now is like admitting that you are so mentally retarded that you can't make any accurate predictions about your future wants and needs.

I guess I'm a genius, because I am still pleased with every gun sale I've made. But I don't impulsively buy or sell anything over $20. And most every gun I've sold has purchased one or two items that I like much better.

I really like guns, but have no emotional attachment to any one of them. If they were destroyed, I'd replace them with new ones.