Do you +1

Do you carry with a full mag +1 in the chamber?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 68.5%
  • No

    Votes: 42 22.8%
  • depends on carry method/gun

    Votes: 16 8.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Simple poll do you carry a full mag and 1 in the chamber, or just put in a full mag, chamber the first round and go.

If you carry with an empty chamber, I guess this does not apply to you.

I'll go first, since I carry a G17 I am just fine with 17 rounds thank you. I like being able to clear the weapon and not have a loose round to keep track of. there is also the whole mag spring thing, but I would be comfortable either way.


New member
I voted "depends", but typically I do not.

Most people don't take the time to properly load their auto pistol when carrying +1. Many will just lock the slide to the rear, drop a round in and slam the slide closed then load their magazine into the pistol. This plays hell on your extractor and eventually will break it as auto pistols weren't designed to be loaded in this manner.

I have some pistols that I'll take the time to stick the magazine in, load the pistol, remove the magazine, insert the extra round, then stick it back in the pistol. Usually I'm not willing to take the extra time, so I just go with what I have in the magazine.

Others will tell you that carrying the pistol with a full magazine is bad for the spring. This is debatable... but in my case my carry guns are 1911's and I replace the magazine springs in my carry mags about once a year anyway.


New member
I usually chamber one from a full mag, drop the mag and reload 1 extra round. Not sure why, but its the habit I got into.


New member
i slide the mag in, rack the slide, drop the mag, put an extra round in the mag, slide the mag back in and go on my way. Why carry 6 when i can just as easily carry 7...


New member
Why would you not use the magazine to the full potential it was designed for? If it was designed to hold 7, why load only 6?


New member
Yep, always. I lock my slide to the rear, insert full mag, release slide forward, decock/put on safe (if it has one), drop mag, top off mag and re-insert.


In my 16 round mags I only keep 15. The 16th one is always so hard to put in and I've had jam's with a full mag on the first shot. Still I have 15+1. If you can't do on 16, what's the point of 17?

Lady Godiva

New member
Full mag + 1 in the pipe always!

Like others, I load by inserting the full mag, racking the slide to chamber the first round, engage the safety, drop the mag, insert another round, re-insert the mag.


New member
Yes. If it's an autoloader and I'm carrying it, it will have a full mag +1 in the chamber. Just like I'm doing right now.
I voted no. All my carry weapons except my Bersa hold ten rounds or more. I would top it off when I carried it but lately a sub compact M&P has taken it's place on my "light" days. I stopped carrying the Bersa because the mags became unreliable (both of mine were misfeeding, another guy at the range had two mags that worked fine with the same ammo).

I carry an extra mag in my back pocket, I think it's more likely the extra mag will make a difference than one extra round.

I always heard it's not good to keep a mag loaded to full capacity, that could well be untrue but it's just a habit I've developed over the years and was somewhat reinforced by my experience with my Bersa.



You'd better believe it! The mag is always full and the chamber is, too. I won't waste time racking the slide to get it ready to fire. Safety (if it has one) for SA always on. DA trigger pull is a safety in itself.


New member
I can't think of any reason not to carry +1. An empty chamber gives away too much advantage, and that 1 extra round could be the one that saves your butt.


New member

i do mainly when i shoot senario shoots i have been known to carry +1 sometimes but if i miss that much i might as well throw the gun and run


New member
Another for always ..while I don't always carry a spare mag, I do make sure my firearm is carrying all that it can for a given mag size.


New member
I voted no.

I have noticed more reliable feeding when I don't top off. When a jam occurs, it seems to happen at either the first or last shot. I don't want to risk a misfeed in the top to get an extra round that, in all likelihood I will never need. My carry pistols have been reliable so far. The chances of me needing that extra round are less than needing the first 1 - 3. Why risk a misfeed at the top for that extra round?

I'm not saying my way is the right way, it's just what makes me feel better, and what seems to work for me. Compromising reliability for one extra round isn't for me. If I'm fightin' for my life I want every bit of reliability/decreased chance of a malfunction I can get. Just tryin' to increase my chances of survival. My pistols have run just fine with 7+1, but man, Murphy seems to have a habit of showing up at the worst possible times.
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New member
Depends on the gun. In a hi-cap the one extra round is unlikely to make a difference. Also, on some guns a full mag seems to put a lot of pressure on the mag release and is almost as if they can hold the full capacity...but shouldn't.