Do they all have locks?

Tim Whittaker

New member
I was looking at the S&W website and noticed on the "NEW GUNS" section some of the guns have the internal locks as add'l features and the ones with PD after the model # had no mention of the lock. Is there a bright spot at the end of the tunnel? The used market is pretty dry in my area. Thanks in advance. .....Whit
Unfortunately, like H & K, Remington, Taurus, and Sako, they all have them. FWIW I've heard that Remington doesn't put them on their "law enforcement" model 700s. Anybody know on the Remington issue?

Tim Whittaker

New member
I bought a Rem 870 Police model about 2 months ago and it doesn't have the lock on it. I guess the police models don't have the locking system. Apparently (no flame to our LE friends) they are supremely more safety minded. .....Whit:rolleyes:

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I just asked Tamara to check her book...

..and she guessed my S&W 331 AirLite Ti was made in 2001. It does not have an "internal" lock. It came with one of those trigger locks that are in two pieces and lock over the trigger guard. It could be a Master Lock but I'm not sure because I've only used it once to see how it worked. It did work more slickly than most of those things do though. If I HAD to use a lock, the one that came with my 331 would be it.
My Taurus 731UL has an internal lock that I only tried out once also. However, the thread about Taurus locks just "popping" on sometimes has made me start to carry the little key on my keyring. I think maybe when the Taurus locks just popped on, they weren't all the way in the open position. JMHO. The little lock opens and closes with a positive "click" on my 731UL.


Tim Whittaker

New member
I have gone to all the gun shops within a 50 mile radius (sorry, I live in a small state) and the used market is almost non-existant. I want a revolver and all political discussion aside, S&W still makes ,IMHO, the best revolvers. But I don't want a lock on it. ......Whit

Jim T.

New member
There are other options

Living in California where guns must be on the Attorney General's "Approved List" I have the same problem. We have to get prelock models via private party transfer. That being said I have bought a number of guns via Guns America on the Internet. In fact just got a prelock 629 the other day.

There are other web sites (auction ones and Gun List) that deal in guns, too. There is a site here on Firing Line that carries handguns by individuals. Here are some web sites: List&SearchText='

A number of the web sites allow you to search by state or area code if you are looking for a seller nearby. Depending upon how unusual the gun you are looking for it may be the only way to find it. I do know in my case it let me acquire guns that I might still be looking for and it saves gas driving all over the state.



New member
Locks: Where's the Problem Here?

Not wanting to start a war or anything like that, and the Gentleman from NH has a right to buy what he wants (if only in my opinion), but what's the big deal over locks?

I have a Taurus 85 and the Rossi .38 counterpart. Both have the internal lock. When I go out, I use those locks, then place each gun in it's own small toolbox, each with a padlock on it. I don't want some punk to raise h@&& with MY guns if my place gets robbed while I'm out. If I transport one in the car, it rides in the trunk in that condition.

When I come home, I liberate each gun, use the Taurus key to make them functional again, and life goes on (protected). Takes well under 30 seconds. Won't stop the "pro," but will discourage the hopped up kid.

Both guns work just fine....

PS: Flame suit on! :cool:

Will Beararms

New member
C. R. Sam is right. Check out a new Smith. Many sold as new were made in 2001 and that was probably the worst year Smith has ever had. Mine was made in November of 2001 and it had timing issues.

Luckily, I live in the same town as one of the Smith Warranty centers and it was brought into spec or as I term it sublime joy.

I have the lock on mine and as a young father, it fits well with my circumstances.

BTW, if you hunt with Remington long arms, do yourself a favor and keep one of those keys in your hunting coat or vest.

I keep my key for the Smith Model 60 on my keychain.

Tim Whittaker

New member
If I transport one in the car, it rides in the trunk in that condition.
When I come home, I liberate each gun,[/QUOTE/]
No flame suit needed Mike,
That my friend is the beauty of living in NH, Live Free or Die, When I transport a gun in a car it is on my hip. I just don't like when a manufacturer takes a perfectly good product and for one reason or another, makes a change, and doesn't make it an option. Eventually, all guns will probably have internal locks, but until it is mandated, make it an option. I do understand the economics, they would still make a bundle if they were tooled up for both. Some people find it very useful, some people find it to be just another key to lose. As far as discouragement, I have a 600lb. safe that is anchored to the floor.

P.S. anyone responding, let's keep this thread civil.


New member
"When I transport a gun in a car it is on my hip."

No argument there, Whit. In my opinion, that's where it belongs!!!

I've visited your fine State many times, being originally from upstate NY. You've just given me another reason to view NH so favorably.

Different world here in So.Cal.

PS: Now, how the @*&#^$ do I get this flame suit off? :eek:


New member

All makes sense to me. I am new to this arena so I don't have any hands on experience but seems like you still have your options. The "out of control kid" is a concern. Thanks for the info. I am looking at a new S&W revolver and am wondering if this is a big deal. G:confused: