Do these people live in a cave?


New member
The wife was watching Matt Blowser this morning, he's interviewing a couple of people who are still "on the fence" as to who to vote for. Where do they find these people? Is there anyone out there who still hasn't made up their mind? They sound as if they had no idea about what "W" and algore stand for. It's like "Oh, that's who running this year? Hmmm, who shall I vote for." These people must live in a cave, no newspapers, no TV, no radio. Do these debates really show you anything new? I'd rather be watching the playoffs.


bullet placement is gun control


New member
That's as good as the clown that was on TV last night for stealing campaign signs. He "thought he was helping" by cleaning up the old wooden signs that the candidates left around after elections. He used the wood for projects around the house. But the signs he was stealing were from the current election!! They asked him and he said he had no idea that this was even an election year. :rolleyes: