Do the "ANTI'S" come here looking for info? If you're an ANTI-GUN person (Click Here)


New member
Hi, if you are an anti gun person and are reading this: You have come to the right place to get a good education about firearms. I hope we can change you're mind. :)

Guns are a tool. Guns dont kill people other people kill people. A gun can't shoot itself. It takes a person to aim and shoot a firearm. If a person is killed with a gun, it's not the guns fault it's the shooter's fault. (remember that!) We need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop balming and pointing fingers. Taking guns away from law biding citizens is wrong.

Also if you are an anti and are reading this I am about to ask you to do somthing you will hate.

Go out and buy or rent a gun. See and hold what you hate and fear so much. You will find guns are not so evil and scary. Most people fear the unknowen and want to get rid of it. Who knows you minght even enjoy shooting. :) If not that is ok too. At least you tryed it.

But I do enjoy shooting and so do millions of others. So please stop working so hard to take them away from us. Put you're efforts into educating people with good, true information about guns. Defend what is just and punish the evil. But punishing us all for the actions of a few is not justice. It is wrong, unfair and goes agenst the constitution.

The single thing that makes this country so great is FREEDOM! To buy a gun if you want, to eat what you want, to worship GOD in any way you see fit, to speak freely about what you belive is just a small example of the freedoms we have. Dont destroy this great thing we have.



New member
Nicely written.

There are a dozen things flying through my mind right now, but I will just add this;

A lot of us were not gun enthusiasts until fairly recently in our lives. I do not hunt, but I love to shoot recreationally. Nothing against hunters, I am just too lazy to do that.

There is also a lot of comfort that comes from knowing that I am a little better able to protect myself should the need ever present itself. This was the motivation for my wife and I to start shooting. The fact that I find it an enjoyable hobby is icing on the cake.


New member

You are exactly correct! You may never go hunting or draw you're gun do defend you're life. But just target shooting is a fun and challenging hobby. And the sky it the limit as far as differnt kinds of shooting you can do. From .22LR plinking. All the way up to shooting a .50 @1000 yards. Each type of shooting is challenging in it's own way.


New member
This is hard to say, but I'm mildly anti. :( I wholeheartedly believe that lefty politicians, their minions and bodyguards, members of the Brady bunch, their families and friends, PETAphiles, abortion docs, 90% of the entertainment industry, illegal aliens and anyone associated with the three 'major networks' or MTV should be prohibited by law from owning a gun or even a knife bigger than 3 inches long.

Does this mean I can go out and buy a gun? Maybe you could talk to Mrs. M&M or at least send me a note to take home? :p


New member
This sort of post is all well and good but the least one should do, before posting a position statement in a public forum, is spell-check the darned thing. The last thing gun owners need at a time like this is to be seen as a group of uneducated knuckleheads. Remember, when you post an open invitation to one who (rightly or wrongly) is fundamentally opposed to your position on an issue, that person will naturally look for any excuse to belittle your thoughts. Don't make it easy on him or her. Be articulate. Be reasonable. Be literate. Spell properly. Use correct grammar. Ones writing is a reflection on all of us, for good or ill.
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New member
D'oh! Straight A's in English up through college and I write for a living, too. (*sigh*) Thanks for the heads-up . . .