Do pistols you carry need more frequent cleaning and care?


New member
Do you clean and oil your carry weapon even when you haven't fired it
since you last cleaned it?

It would seem that because the pistol is kept close to your body, the
temperature and humidity are less than ideal for mildew growth and for




Since I usually shoot my carry piece at the range at least once a week, and clean it every time I shoot, the question is moot for me. My carry piece never touches my skin.

Speaking of cleaning, let me hijack this thread a little and ask how often do y'all clean the weapons you shoot. I clean mine if I only shoot 20 through it at the range.


New member
Keltyke said:
Speaking of cleaning, let me hijack this thread a little and ask how often do y'all clean the weapons you shoot. I clean mine if I only shoot 20 through it at the range.

I clean, oil and grease my pistols after shooting 200 rounds.


New member
I clean any gun that has been fired, even one shot.
As for a carry gun, I feel it should be at least field stripped, wiped down and maybe very lightly lubed every now and then, even if not fired. You would be suprised how much lint and other crud works it way into the action. Todays new chemicals are very good about fighting rust. Never had a problem vith my blued HP which I carry daily. Dry lubes pick up less crud than oily ones (Dry-slide) but the lint and stuff still finds it's way in. Could cause a malfunction. Your life is worth a few minutes to strip, clean and reassemble.


New member
+1 after every trip to the range

At least twice per month. Can't hurt anything and it gives me an excuse to listen to Tom Gresham's GunTalk.

Ssgt Savage

New member
earl ur gun

My primary carry is a Colt Defender which is alloy and stainless steel. I carry three full mags and rotate the stacked ammo (golden saber, federal defense, speer gold dot, and one LEO only Aquila in each :rolleyes:) weekly from the mags to the respective boxes in the bolt down 50 cal ammo box I have in my trunk with a monster padlock on it. I have everything I need including spare parts, cleaning kit, solvents and earl (oil - I'm southern). When I remove the mag to rotate ammo I pull the slide, wipe down the weekly dust, grime, sweat, everything with a 3 in 1 CLP and use my needle injector oilier to hit all the spots.
My backup is the new Ruger LCP .380. Same story, different HG. It goes in a pocket, sock, IWB, Ankle or pocket holser. It gets lint all over it so it, too, get's it's weekly bath.

Long ritual made short - "Earl yer arn" (Oil your Iron - How to Speak Southern - author, I forgot)


Defender, huh? Nice piece, Staff Sgt. I have one, too. A carry gun will get dirty, and a dirty gun is prone to failure. I useta never lube my pistols until I did one day. The slide almost came off in my hand and now they get a good shot of "erl" or grease with every cleaning. Slicks'em up smooth as a baby's bottom.

Southern here, too, y'all. Dixie forever!


New member
I try to run at least a mag or two through my carry gun every week (as easy as stepping out back to the barn & letting it rip), but at least once a month- at which time most of the lint & crud goes flying (then I clean & relube it). After a CCW renewal class a few years ago, the instructor invited me out to the range afterward (we don't have to shoot to qualify) cuz he wanted to see my PM9 in action. It had been several months since I'd fired or cleaned it and it failed to completely return to battery after the first shot- lesson learned.


As a kid In S Dak I was told that Bill Hickock cleaned and reloaded his pistols every night. That made an impression on me and in 24 years as a 19D I made certain my weapons and my platoons weapons were clean. I've never had a failure to fire when I needed them and I don't intend to.
I perform a 'wipe down' of my Makarov about once monthly, and after a practice session. it's easy to pull down, wipe the chamber and bore and slide and break down the mag and wipe it and the mag well.
I carry a Beretta .32acp if very lightly dressed and same with it.
the carry I take on my M/C is a Ruger GP .357 which I can break down in about 3 minutes but bi-monthly do. it is very reliable and S/S also.


New member
Speaking of cleaning, let me hijack this thread a little and ask how often do y'all clean the weapons you shoot. I clean mine if I only shoot 20 through it at the range.
At times, I shoot only rotated magazines. The gun still gets a full cleaning. Taken apart every now and then between shootings to check for proper lube.


New member
Doesnt matter what it is, you gotta blow the dust bunnies out of it on a regular basis. Dust bunnies are not prejudice and will build nests and deposit crap in any gun that is carried on your person. No gun is exempt, and some are actually more prone to it. (Wilson 1911 mags are really bad here)


New member
My Carry gun gets field stripped and coated with Eezox once a month in summer and every 2-3 months in winter. Safe guns every 6 months. No rust and always work good. I run a boresnake through them after every shooting session. No other oils or cleaners.

Moe Howard

New member
My carry gun gets inspected and at least externally lubed every Sunday night.
After a range trip I clean every gun shot, even if it was only one round.