Do people really believe they are safer?


New member
Do people really believe that giving up their nail clippers will eliminate the threat of hijackings? It seems clear to me that with all these "weapons" being accidentally smuggled aboard that the security measures taken are only something to make the passengers FEEL safer, but I tend to see things from a pro-self defense view.
Before you tell me that the masses are clueless, please consider that air travel has dropped to unbelievable lows. Does this mean that people are cautious or they don’t think the security measures are adequate?


New member
I(ts not about safety, its about control , on a hysterical level. Schputz 'em, I hope the airlines go under.:p
Bring back the passenger train.


Member In Memoriam
rotl = :D

In regards to original post = perception is reality & folks are voting with their feet.

The Wife's an IT manager with a major disk drive manufacturer & has recently absorbed a couple main players in the business (pieces parts). "They," in the people's republic of Kali have requested face-to-face meetings re training, etc. for the new materials/maunfaturing tracking software.

"Our side" says you bet, c'mon out (to CO) - met with silence on the conference phones. ;)

Netmeeting seems to be the prefered method of late.

Seems that, at the very least, there is the underlying thought that if somebody wants to do a thing - they will. An unconscieous thought process is happening about our formerly perceived safeties. A good thing, I think.

Time will tell as to how this all spins out.


New member
Sure they do, just like they believed in the tooth fairy when they were children they now believe in government. That is why they will all die bewildered that the criminal killing them was able to do so despite the fact the trustworthy .gov told them he couldn't, or when he works for the .gov he wouldn't ( more likely the latter ).


New member
Safer? Naw - helpless. Especially if something bad happens.
I don't ride many planes...

By choice.