Do-it-yourself Glock 29 torture test :)


New member
I spent the night at a friends house the other night (my wifes still out of town and I had a few days off work ). Around 1AM we got kinda bored so we decided to take the 4 wheelers to the sandpits (ah the joys of country living). For those of you not farmiliar with the sandy parts of the south, sandpits are areas where the silica companys have excavated, leaving massive dunes and craters...much like the copper mines out west. He straped on his G29 loaded with Pro-Load 155's since packs of dogs are know to roam the area. Sometime during the night, the hard jumps and landings on the Yamaha Blaster had shaken the Glock from its Comp-Tac strapless kydex holster. He hadnt felt it fall out so there was no telling where or when it had came out. We went back to the house and gathered up flashlights and went back to hunt for it, not expecting to find it. After 2 hours with no results we had all but given up when I accidently kicked a small one inch square object sticking out of the beach-like sand. BINGO. Like a kid on christmas morning, my buddy grabed up his beloved 29. The tracks and tire marks (on the grond and the gun itself!) showed that it had been ran over multiple times after falling out. It was caked with damp sand and there was dry powderlike sand inside the frame/slide gap. He shot me a sideways smile and I knew it was time to cover my ears and step back. after quickly checking the bore for obstructions with a stick, he chambered a round and emptied the mag into a nearby dune. The gritty cornflake-esque crunch of the first round being chambered made me cringe, but it worked flawlessly and didn't jam. We went back to his house and striped it down to clean. We rinsed it with a whole can of plastic-safe brake cleaner adn then doused it in very hot water and simple green. after being dried with a hairdryer and relubed, it lookd like brand new. We went back out this morning and fired 100 rounds through it and it works fine. I was suprised that the grit in the action didnt damage the slide or frame rails, but all looks/works fine inside and out.
simply amazing


New member
What, not those crappy plastic peices of junk, I think you are lying.;) What else did you expect, after all Tommy Lee Jones said that you could pour sand in them and they will still work.


New member
Talk about unbelievable luck! i'm amazed that you guys found the gun. Hope your friend will be smart enough to get a suitable holster for carrying on ATVs in the future.


New member
Comp-tacs are good holster (even if increbibly overenginered) I have one for my Sig. I like it, but it is unnecisarily bulky for an IWB. Something with a retention strap would have been more sutable, but his dog recently chewed up his Uncle Mike cheapy pancake holster that usualy pulls backwoods duty. Maybe a Galco leather holster with a retention strap would be a good field/ATV beater rig.

I'll agree Blades it is unbeleaveable that we actualy found it at 3AM in a 3 football field size area. The $500 loss wasnt what keep us looking but the nagging thought that someone could find it and get hurt. We had already planed to go to the farm supply store the following morning and go halves on one of those uber-strong industial magnets that attach to AVT's and tractors for picking up nails, when I accidently kicked it.