Do I want an HK USP 45 or a Sig P220?

Mike Kilo Niner

New member
Ok, dilemma: I went to the friendly local FFL this afternoon to check out .45 pistols. In particular, I'm interested in HKs and Sig Sauers. I tried a Glock. I tried a 1911. I can see why others like them, but neither suits me.

This gun will be a night-stand, home-defense pistol (with frequent field trips to the range. :) Somewhere down the line I'll probably add a tactical light.

The Sig fits my hand like a glove. The HK holds two more rounds. The HK can be ordered VarII for lefties like me. The Sig had the nicer DA trigger pull, but their SA seemed more or less equivalent. The Sig's push-button mag release is easier to manipulate (when reversed for a lefty) than the USP's ambidextrous lever. But the USP's lever is fully ambidextrous right out of the box.

I've rented them both at the range, and both shoot pretty well for me. They both feel good, but they feel very different. I'm sure I could learn to shoot either very well with practice.

I'm torn. I guess what it boils down to is: the HK has better lefty-friendly features, greater capacity and a built in rail for a light mount whereas the Sig is... a Sig.

Maybe I've answered my own question, but I'm very interested in opinions from people who own either or both. What was the deciding factor for choosing one or the other? Which one is on your nightstand?

And before anyone suggests it: I can't afford both right now. Down the road -- naturally! But for now, which one do I want to protect myself and my loved ones?

[edited for clarity]


New member
I wood gofer thuh 8ch--Kay
I rekon...
Sorry, it has been a long 14+hr day.
I have shot both and I shoot HK better..
My gunsmith loves the Sigs(et al) because he bought
his wife a new VOLVO after working on alot of
Sigs, Berettas,Kimbers,Para's & Walthers to
name a few......
I am only repeating what I have been told by a
Govt + LEO gunsmith.....
don't flame me + don't blame me---
cuZ, i onlee bee tellin what me here!!!!
Mee bee likun awl boom-sticks...

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's All:

Both are quality pieces, in terms of craftsmanship and engineered reliability.:) Having owned both, I strongly
feel that the H&K USP .45 is far too large for CCW by
civilians.:( On the other hand, the Sig P220 is easily
concealed and readily available, at any given moment.:D
I prefer (and use) Sig-Sauer firearms of all models,
most of the time. So that's my choice, and that's my
final answer.:eek::rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Hi go with the SIG 220. I did and love it! I am a 1911 fan and still my Sig is now my favorite gun. I have one in two tone. Factory nickle slide and controls with a blue frame. PRETTY:) Anyway it is accurate and has a real nice DA/SA trigger pull. The HK is nice but their customer service is horriable from what I have heard. Sig has great customer service if you ever need it. It is up to you in the end. The Sig is in my night stand. Go with what feels best to you. Also the sig is much thinner than the HK USP. It's easy to find leather for as well. If you have any more questions e mail me at

Hope this helps.


New member
I was used to the 1911 style mag release and now I with every pistol had an HK USP style release. Lightning quick with the trigger or middle finger of the strong hand if you so desire. Change the variant and as you said, you have a true lefty-pistol. USPs are probably too big for CCW, but IMO you can also do better than a 220 if that is your intent.

The pistol can definately take a beating just like a Glock. The big thing with the HK (for me) is that you can carry it cocked and locked if you so desire.

Again, this is just my opinion. When I started out, the HK was the last on my list. After trying out many others, I am an HK fan for good. I own a USP, so obviously will recommend one every time.

The one thing that takes me back from all out recommending the HK is the fact that the Sig fits you like a glove. I always recommend to people to get what fits them the best, but then again, they are usually right handed... Personally, I think it would suck for me to have a pistol built for a leftie, but that is just me.

The HK fits me good enough and it shoots better than I can. If you go with the Sig, I wouldn't sweat the 2 "missing" rounds, just have a backup magazine ready just in case. With either of these pistols, you can't really go wrong.



New member
Having had both, I found the SIG 220 to be far more accurate and ergonomic. Both were reliable, but I did have a problem with the USP mags splitting along the welds.


New member
Damn thats a tough one....Two awesome choices....I've owned 3 HK's in the past... 2 compact 45's(stainless & HE)and one Tactical...My stainless HK was awesome,one of the most accurate pistols I've ever shot(traded it for a Glock,dont ask me why :()but the HE was just average.The tactical I owned shot ok but I really couldnt get used to those damn high profile target sights,I ended up selling both of those.....Right now I have an all German 226 in 9mm and a 229 in 357 w/the extra 40 barrel coming soon...The 226 only has about 750 rounds thru it but I can honestly say that it has been one of my favorite guns ever !!I really do like the controls on both...The front strap checkering on the HK's is a little starts to hurt your hand after a couple of boxes...Out of the two,I think I would choose the 220 because I feel that I shoot Sigs the best...I believe in the old saying,"Whichever gun feels best in your hands buy...Cause you will most likely shoot it better" :)

Mike Kilo Niner

New member
Thanks for all the replies, everyone. I'm already set for CCW (he points to his username with a wry wink ;)), so that isn't a factor to worry about.

Someone told me earlier that 220 mags have had reliability problems. Anyone experience this? 8-rounders more prone to failure than 7-rounders? For home defensive duties, absolute reliability seems paramount to me. When everything goes wrong, I don't want everything to go wrong -- know what I mean? :)

I've shot the USP rather well before, and really like the easy attachment of a light feature. How does a Surefire (or other brand) attach to the Sig? Just a clamp to the trigger guard?

Intellectually I know that the polymer frame is very tough, but it doesn't weigh a thing! Very surprising, especially given the all steel construction of my MK9. It's more a perception issue, I know -- the aluminum framed Sig would probably crack before the polymer framed HK.

Anyway, keep those opinions coming -- good food for thought!


New member
You answered your own question. "The Sig fits my hand like a glove" I own several Sigs and have found that they are ultra reliable which to me is the single most important factor. Fit is a close second. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a USP but they just don't fit my hands.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
As much as I advocated the HK USP in the .40 threads not too long ago - in this case its the SIG P220 that I suggest.
The SIG P220 is the finest autopistol design outside of the 1911. If you want a .45, get a 1911... If you want a DA .45, get a SIG.

Cannon Cocker

New member
As much as I love my HK if the SIG fits your hand better that's what you should go with. Quality wise I think that they're equal.


New member
They are both great pistols but I think Sig is more "refined" (if there is such a thing for a pistol). As for the reliability of their 8 round mags, they work great. No more or less reliable than their 7 round mags.

I had both pistols but kept the Sig while H&K was traded for something else.

Stop thinking so much and just get the Sig.


New member
Get the SIG. The HK is a fine pistol, but their customer service is nonexistent. I have called SIG Arms USA several time for questions and replacement springs (I replace them all about every 3000 rounds). I have found their people to be friendly and helpful, but most importantly I have always been able to talk to somebody. HK, on the other hand, has yet to answer their damned telefone!

As I said, get the SIG first.

Mike Kilo Niner

New member
The Sig it is.

Thanks for all the advice. You guys are completely right -- the Sig just feels right. I'll get an HK one of these days (especially if the full-cap mag ban ever sunsets), but for my first .45, it'll be the Sig. Now it's off to the gunshow to compare prices...


New member
sigs rust crack frames ,go with the HK . If you notice there is always a lot of used sigs a gun shows and few HKs.. this should tell you something


New member
I asked about a lefty HK a couple weeks back. The gunshop called his distributor, who told him they only come special order, and HK charges an extra $70 (which was supposedly a recent increase from $25) ):


New member
I have used many of the quality .45s on the market and can seriously say that I have yet to find a .45 that could hold a candle to the P-220, seriously, I dont know what Sig did but that particular model has something special about it.

The feel of it in the hand is awesome (in my hands) almost like the grip was molded for my hands.

It is just as tough as the HK is, polymer might be tougher but unless you are going to give this gun a beatiing I dont think that is something you need to worry about, either of these quality pistols will last you a life time. Plus, with the SIg you have the option to get yourself some nice exotic wood grips for it, I have cocobolos on mine and they really make the gun look beautiful without taking anything away from the feel of the grip, they actually feel alot better than the factory plastic grips.


Oh man, this will be your biggest treat with your P-220. After I bought mine and took it to the range I was expecting it to be a good shooter from all the boasting I have heard around the gun boards but this thing totally took me by suprise and was more accurate than I expected.

If you can beleive this, I shot the P-220 better on its first outing to the range than I do some of my guns that I have been shooting for 6 years, it is to date by far my most accurate pistol in my collection. Also, I am a Glock guy and love the way the Glock functions and I use them well but my hat is tipped to the P-220.

You are in for a treat! Let us know what kind of price you caome up with.

Also, the mags function perfectly as far as my P-220 is concerned, never had a failure to feed at all.


New member
DARN, I'm too late!!!


The USP45 resides in MY nightstand, with Factory nitesites, and a UTL attached...

As I've mentioned on your posts before, I too am blessed to be a leftie. Like Krept, I now wish ALL pistols had the paddle style mag release. I LOVE my HK.

I HATE that the sig has the single sided (WRONG for leftie) decocker, cuz I've always wanted one. It's kindof a pain to work it on that side for me.

One big extra for the HK... think about this... You're coming home from work, CCW in waistband. BG is rummaging through your bedroom, and has found your USP, with one in the pipe... He hears you come in, and turns to shoot you with your own gun..... The safety's on, and only on the RIGHT side of the pistol, which he won't even see unless he's familiar with the HK!

Also, the HK DA trigger gets MUCH better with use. The paddle mag release is actually EASIER to hit with your middle finger on left hand. If you're a rightie with an HK, try doing the same with your right middle finger. You'll see why I do it this way. The slide release on the HK is quite accessible with the middle or index finger of the left hand as well. It is my biased opinion that the HK is among THE BEST for lefties there is. Sig is so far down that list, that I won't buy one. Don't get me wrong, they are truely a work of art, but with that decocker I can't own one.

Also look at the USP45 compact. Same round count as Sig, and very comfortable in the hand.

If you don't think that's a big edge, try handing your pistol to someone at the shooting range and ask them to shoot it a couple times. Even my rightie buddy WITH a USP compact forgets about my safety, and baubles at the range at least once each trip! Heck, I've done the same with his.