Do I understand this correctly??? 4th Amendment


New member
I was just informed that the high courts just essentially deleted the fourth amendment??? it was on yahoo news i guess... I'm going to see if I can find a link.


New member
In the state of Texas, if you are arrested for anything (including traffic violation) you and your car can be searched.


New member
naw... this guy says that the supreme court has interpreted the 4th amendment to allow arrest/search/seisure for suspicion or any reason at all in a case.... still looking for the url... I hope he's pulling my leg... but it doesn't sound like it


New member
With reference to arrest for misdemeanor traffic violations, if a person refuses to sign the ticket they must be taken too jail. The stop is an arrest, the ticket is a recognizance bond. Refusing to sign the ticket is the same as refusing to bail out of jail.

Scott A. Vaughn


New member
just had a very lengthy discussion.... he feels quite strongly that he is correct... I find no evidence of this as there couldn't possibly have been anything done seeing as how the case has been dismissed before ever being heard.... I believe that this topic has been discussed at length.... no cause for alarm... thank you all for your help... you certainly "armed" me with some knowledge I didn't have prior to this....

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