Do I need a new FID?


New member
I recently moved, but my license still matches the address on my FID card.

Can I still purchase a firearm so do I need to get a new FID anyway? If I need a new FID, do I have to go through the process as if I never had one? :eek:


New member
Of course I reported the new address to the DMV. I put the new address sticker on the back of my license. Can I also use 1 of the stickers on my FID card? Hmm...


New member
nope won't work. you have to fill out those lovely forms at the police station in your new town. i have/had to do the same thing.
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New member
yes, when you go to your local police station and get the forms.they should also give you a sheet with the fees ,etc. if you already have a FID its less money. not much if i recall. they still have to do 2 sets of fingerprints and possible another mental health background check. do you have township police or state?

when i did an address change on mine,i filled out the forms took it to them with a check,withing 4 months they stopped by the house and told me it was ready to be picked up. funny thing is they did the fingerprinting right before filling out the FID card. which as you know needs to have your right thumbprint on it.


New member
Township cops. A friend of mine is selling 1 of his riles & I want it. So I'm wondering if I can just do the transfer using my old address (FID & license still match) or if that would create trouble for me. I can't make him wait 4 months...


New member
probably bad on a public forum to suggest doing that, cant you pay for it so hes happy...why does he have to wait? he gets the money, it seems like its you that has to wait until the paperwork is done:)


New member
i would not suggest using the older FID,DL. even though its a face to face private sale.
if you were trying to make a store purchase,they will only let you see and handle the firearm. they will not sell it to you, and the store has to make a phone call too. something about after the attacks on 9/11 made it illegal to use a FID/DL combo without matching info.

you could pay him for the rifle,just be sure to check it over which i have a feeling you did before saying you would buy it. just explain to him that you can't take possesion of it until your papers are straight. be sure that when you get the paperwork straightend out, and pick it up its in the same condition or better than when you paid for it. if you pay for it as long as you don't take possesion of it, you should be clear.