Do I need a J-frame?


New member
I have a SP101 2" that I like a lot. It's very easy to shoot and I'm good with it. Lately I've been wishing I had a gun I could easily throw in a jacket pocket or something similar when I run out, without taking my normal IWB rig.

The SP101, for me, is a really poor IWB gun (the grips are sticky and curved so it prints like crazy), and difficult to pocket carry for the same reasons. But I know its not that much bigger than a J-frame. If I put wood boot grips on it (probably Badger), that would help things considerably. I'm confident I could still handle the gun well with the harder and shorter grips. But before investing the money in grips, I'm trying to find out if it wouldn't be better to just get a J-frame?

I don't want to buy nice new grips for the SP101 just to have it still be too big and heavy. But I also don't want to buy a new gun that I don't need (I know, crazy right?) if I can adapt a gun I already like a lot to the role and get more out of it.

Currently the SP101 is in the shop getting a fiber optic front sight put on. What do you guys think, can the SP101 be made to work or do I need a smaller snubby?


New member
I think for CCW, a S&W J frame is super easy to carry. In the case of mine, it gives 5 x 357 mag power. It has a great stock trigger. They make a ton of good holsters for it. It has good enough sights. The 2 finger rubber grip is enough for a good firing grip. A 2 finger auto doesn't work for me bigger than 380 or maybe 9mm.

I think trading your SP-101 for a S&W 640 or 340 scandium would be a great choice for you.


New member
It's a tradeoff. If u want small and Airweight then be prepared for a very snappy shooter . It is NO FUN at the range .

I have a 642 and never shoot more than 20 rds a session .

But for a SD carry it is great . I front pocket carry it most days .

I would suggest u shoot a rental before purchasing .

Regards ,


New member
Get the J-frame. My 442 is perfect for pocket carry. I use speed loaders (as opposed to moon clips) and it works very well for me.


New member
I have a 642 and never shoot more than 20 rds a session .

But for a SD carry it is great . I front pocket carry it most days .

Most cops want to carry the lightest, smallest, and convenient gun OFF-Duty, but if confronted by a bad guy they want their 8 1/2-inch 500 Magnum! This is how people are. No gun does everything, like golf clubs each has a purpose!
For civilians who can run from trouble, 99.99% of the time you will JUST carry, and only do so after time if it is light and easy! The hollywood illusion of the big gun fight is just that, an illusion!

But, and there always is a but in life, if it does happen you best be prepared, skilled (more important than the gun brand), and smart! That .01 % of the time can get you dead, and not getting dead is my best skill!!!


New member
Everybody needs a j-frame, or three, or four. I have picked up several finish-challenged 36s and 37s over the years for pocket carry. Pocket carry is hell on the finish, and I see no need to turn a $380 gun into a $250 gun after a couple of years of pocket carry. Right now I carry an old flat-latch round butt Model 36. I sometimes carry a Model 60, and even a 3" Model 37. Sometimes I carry a 36 in a hip pocket and the 37 in a front pocket. The only (quality) guns to compare are the little Colts, and they are just too few and far between.

Remember, Rugers are for Single Action, S&W is for Double Action.;)


New member
I've shot a 342 quite a bit, this is the lightest J-frame ever produced. It wasn't so bad I wouldn't practice with it.

But you guys aren't telling me what I want to hear! Is the SP101 irredeemable? Can't I make it work with the better grips? What is the purpose of this gun, for belt carry there are far better choices.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I think you should go ahead and get an Airweight. The price is right, they are easy to carry and shoot as well.



New member
But you guys aren't telling me what I want to hear! Is the SP101 irredeemable? Can't I make it work with the better grips? What is the purpose of this gun, for belt carry there are far better choices.

I carry an sp101 almost daily and for me the badger boot grips made a huge difference in carrying. I think its work the money to check how the grips wil work for you before getting another gun.
The SP101, for me, is a really poor IWB gun

I think most people who own one would differ in opinion. Being close in size to a K frame, Ruger's SP101 is probably one of the best IWB carry revolvers ever made. Maybe you have the wrong holster. Get the right one. It's thin, light, holds a gun like glue, is dirt cheap and well made, and it absolutely will not pull off:


New member
I was just in another thread and the conversation got to someone mentioning that his wife prefers the SP-01 in the appendix position IWB. Apparently it can be done! Are you happy with your holster/belt?

Aside from the shape or grip characteristics, is the weight what bothers you? In the other thread mentioned about the SP-01 is about 25 ounces while an Airweight J frame is about 15. But I guess weight and shape/size go hand in hand :D unfortunately

You don't want too many guns? Ey whatsa matta you? :p you must have stolen my portion of self control.