Do I need a J frame for carry if I already have a 3" K-frame?


New member
I'll be getting a carry permit very soon after moving to a more friendly county. As such, I have a 3" M64-3 on layaway. I assumed that I'd want a J-frame as well for an "always" gun, but after handling the M64 and seeing the holsters that are available for it, it's really looking like a revolver I can carry nearly anytime under any conditions/clothing. Obviously I can't throw it in a pocket on a milk run, but that's OK.

Now, I go into a store in the new county and discover an M37(no dash) for $279. It already has what I think are Ajax polymer ivory boot grips which would be ideal for carry in addition to the original factory grips. Should I go for it or just stick with the bigger gun?


New member
I find ...

I can carry my cut down M10 about anytime I can carry my 2" Chief's Special. So, I would say in reality the K-frame will take care of most everything.

On the other hand, I belong to the school of thinking one cannot have too many guns and any reason to buy another is a sound reason. A J-frame will add some flexibility to your stable.

Your wife may disagree. Good luck.


New member
Not to mention that the airweight J-frame makes a dandy back-up gun! :D

Seriously, depending on your size, the type of weather you live in and other considerations, the M64 might be all you need. The advantage of a J-Frame is that it's enough smaller and lighter that you can carry it while wearing light clothing or even in a pocket. In winter time, I might carry a 1911 on a belt, but an airweight J-frame in my jacket pocket is faster than getting through all the winter clothing.


New member
It would be good backup gun as it has the same manual of arms as the K frame so it does make sense. However you might opt for an airweight as they work beautifully for that role. Like Bill mentioned you can have your hand on your backup gun at times it would be impractical to do so with your primary. I cant tell you the number of times I've done that very thing. So yes I think the backup gun is an important part of the SD system, and that M37 would work but I prefer a lightweight shrouded hammer affair myself. Good luck


New member
You can never have too many J frames! I have 2 and love them both, used mostly as a pocket gun or back up.

Tommy Vercetti

New member
do you really need an excuse to talk yourself out of a gun you may kick yourself for having passed up ?

there's an old Oaxacan proverb "the deepest remorse is for the sins you didn't commit"

buy the J won't regret it 10 years from now


New member
I've got a 3" model-10, but I still love my 640. I can carry the m-10 most anywhere, but the 640 I can carry every where. It rides in a pocket holster most of the time, and is easily hidden when wearing just a pair of shorts and some flip-flops.


New member
I can carry my Mod 638 in my pocket. My 3" mod 65 is too big for pocket carry. I think you should have both. ;)


New member
I truly love my 3in K-frame and would carry it all the time, but compared to a small frame, there is a difference. I have a small frame taurus that gets 99% of my carry time. It's hard to stuff a 3in K-frame in your pocket :) Whoever said get both, is right.
A J-frame is a must have...

...if you want something easy to conceal, easy to shoot, and powerful enough to protect you.

Here is how it compares in size to the K/L frame (m686). As you can see it is a lot smaller as well as lighter.



New member
That's a great picture, Playboy!

The J-frame is way, way smaller than a K, and it's not even close.

I have a Ruger SP-101 2", but I very rarely carry it because it doesn't do well in my pocket. The 642 goes everywhere.

357 Python

New member
If you can swing the cost for both why not go with both? While my 3" 65 might be too big for some methods of carry it does very well with a great majority of my carry methods. However here recently I have been carrying my 4" Python with no problems, haveing a smaller handgun does give me more options.

Deaf Smith

New member
The J is a good bet when you are forced to wear just a t-shirt and shorts.

The K, especially the 2.5 and 3 inchers are wonderful. I have 2 inch 64, 2.5 inch M66, and 3 inch L.

The J becomes the backup gun. It's the loaner if you have to get out of the car and leave your 'significant' other alone in the car. The J is also the 'aways' or walkaround gun. It's also the hidden house gun!

I think it's not a this-or-that thing. It's a complementery thing. They both go together very well.