Do I need a case cleaner?


New member
I reload now for 9mm and 38/357. I use brass from the range. I dump the brass that looks bad, but they are all at least once fired. So far, my reloads have shot just fine. My question is whether a case cleaner and case media separator are really necessary, or if they are more of an optional extra.

If I were to purchase them, I'd get the Dillon CV-500 and the CM-500. They're not much more than the other brands, and I'd like to keep all the stuff on my bench that beautiful shade of blue!


New member
I was told by my old time reloading friends that a tumbler was a waste of money. I'm glad I didn't listen to them!

I purchased a .44 mag pistol with a bunch of once fired brass that was about 30 years old. After tumbling I found minute cracks in about 80 percent of the cases. They were undetectable prior to tumbling because of the oxidation on the cases.
44 mag isn't something I care to shoot with damaged cases.

I use the Midway 1292 tumbler. I am a big Dillon fan myself, but the 1292 works great at a substantially reduced price and the same lifetime warranty. The Midway is a pretty shade of blue, too ;)

If you want to tumble a thousand or so cases get the big dillon. Otherwise, the Midway works great and at their price you can buy 2!


New member
Yes, they are needed. Without them your dies will eventually be ruined by the grit that invariably covers them.


New member

The Midway 1292 is great; I've got one running now.

I prefer it to the Dillon cleaners; have both. Of course, for larger cleaning needs the Dillons are the way to go.
Most of my personal cases get shiny by Midway.

Corn, Dillon Rapid Polish, 8 hours.....


New member
Do it on the Cheap!

When I first started reloading, the only tumblers available were designed for tumbling rocks! Real pain to use, and expensive too! What did I do?

Get a large plastic mayo jar from your favorite deli. Get some RCBS Liquid Case Cleaner. Mix according to instructions. Put dirty cases into mayo jar and cover with cleaning mix. Agitate until clean, or do as we rednecks do ... put the jar in the back of your pickup. The cases will be clean when you get home from work tonight!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.


New member
I have the same set up like Pampers with little modification. I attached 4 pieces 1 inch width GI sheet on the side just like a cement mixer. Put it at the trunk of my car and away I go.

I've never found the burning need for one.

Grit can be dealt with in another way.

Washing your brass.

I wash mine in a 5-gal. bucket. Hot water, Lysol, a few seconds of swishing and then rinse.

They go on an old sheet behind the furnace to dry.

Good Guy

New member
Didn't own one until about 7 or 8 years ago and I did just fine. I just wiped off the cases first before lubing and reloading or if they were really filthy I'd wash the brass in warm, soapy water and rinse 'n dry. But now that I have a couple of tumblers I appreciate the pretty reloads that I turn out.

I believe Midway sells refurbished tumblers for about $30. Give them a call. At that price everyone can afford a tumbler.