Do Florida Voters Realize How Stupid They Appear?

Jeff Thomas

New member
I'm watching a CNN show that has a group of Palm Beach voters being interviewed in a gymnasium. This is sad.

One woman talks about how they have a lot of elderly, illiterate, and yes, even dyslexic voters who have a lot of trouble voting. One brave (?) soul even offered that some of the elderly thought they had to vote twice in the Presidential ballot ... once for Vice President Gore, and once for Senator Lieberman! Many are calling for a re-vote. They argue that this vote was unfair. You know it all by now.

I can see it now. Florida voters will inevitably be added to the list of disabled persons for purposes of social security disability benefits.

Now, it is certainly not my intent to make fun of the less fortunate, but ... dyslexic voters? What shall we do? Mix up the Vice Presidential candidates with different Presidential candidates so the dyslexic can straighten it all out? Shall we have illiterate, dyslexic and befuddled voters participating on ballot design boards so we can get simplified ballots that the truly mentally challenged can comprehend? Perhaps we need ballots with no names, but just photos? And, the campaigns should change - no issues discussed as that would be much too confusing. Just nice little chats, with a lot of photo opp's and perhaps some kindly instructions from the candidate - 'Don't forget - circle my photo on election day!'.

And, a re-vote? Please. They want us to believe that these fine people, thousands of whom are apparently quite mentally challenged, will now re-vote their conscience, just as they would have on election day? Without consideration for the results in the rest of the country, and without consideration for the fact that their little county would be deciding the Presidential election?

I'll tell you one thing, and I'm deadly serious about this ... you can forget the blonde, Polish and other sometimes insensitive jokes - we'll now have Florida voter jokes. Watch for it - I guarantee it. You know - 'how many Florida voters does it take to screw in a light bulb?'

I know the majority of people in Florida are intelligent, decent people. And, we also have some fine TFL members from the great state of Florida. These good people must be aghast at the image of their state as left in the hands of these mentally handicapped Democrats.

This is victim psychology taken to a truly absurd level. And, consistent with past practice, the Democrats feel no shame or embarrassment.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 10, 2000).]


New member

Read in another thread that these same voters are probably the same ones that can run 5 different bingo cards AT THE SAME TIME but they cant punch a single hole on a ballot?!?!? :D

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

TRAVELER'S ADVISORY - PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL- Motorists beware - over 19,000 residents unable to follow the arrows.


New member
Another thing hardly mentioned is the fact that there were around 420,000 votes in that county alone. 19,000 messed up. Roughly 4%. Why isnt anyone in the media talking about how the other 400,000+ or roughly 96% that VOTED CORRECTLY for either Gore or Bush???????

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
This is a whole new world stupid and I just can't comprehend this.
The entire nation has just been summed up as an episode of Leno's "Jay-Walking".

Thank you very much you bleatpissing florida liberals. You are held in high contempt.