Do any US PD's use CZ's


New member
I'm a big fan of the CZ-75. They are affordable, reliable and inexpensive, and (I think) rapidly gaining popularity in the US.

I'm just curious to know if any of you know of any PD's that authorize or issue a CZ handgun. I wonder if CZ could become the next hot item in cop handguns.


New member
I just ran a Poll awhile back asking what TFL LEO's carry on duty. I did get a response indicating one did. He carried the CZ-75 compact 9mm and was a Federal LEO. But that was it.

I know that most departments will not allow a DA/SA sidearm without a decocker. So CZ has not been a hit in the LE market yet. With their new CZ75BD Police and CZ75BD PCR, they just might garner a following. I have been debating buying the CZ75BD Police fpr duty use, but cannot find a CZ anywhere within a few hours of my residence to shoot or even handle. Every large dealer or range people just looks at me and says "CZ? What's a CZ?". And no I am not kidding. Went to a large gun show, never saw a single CZ. Went to the state's largest city and checked every single gun shop, not a CZ to be found. I really do not want to buy a duty sidearm w/o having atleast held one and made sure it fit my hand. I will probably end up with a Beretta 92G Brig.



New member
MLK 18,

You will love the CZ. If you like BHP's you will like the CZ's, especially the compacts whose short double stack grip remind me of the BHP. Order one on-line. You will not be dissapointed. I mean it.


New member
Do not know of any departments that issue them. However, on the IUPD (that's Indiana University) my good friend carried a CZ75 "procured" from Kanada (could not get 6s signed here yet). However, IUPD allowed any weapon provided DA or approved by the chief.

My friend carried his in C1. Nobody, to my knowledge, knew (or cared).


New member

Bought mine really on the recommendation of the people on this gun forum. Had never heard or seen them until i saw a picture on this forum. Finally found someone down here that sells them. Needless to say i loved the grip and bought the CZ75BD and love the decocking lever. You'll love it to, if you don't, i'm sure someone on here can be persuaded to take it off your hands.:D



jeff c.

New member

If you ever get close to the Twin Cities metro area let me know. I've got a PCR that you could try out, see how nice it fits in the hand, we could even meet up at a range so you could see how well they shoot.

Jeff C.


New member
Sounds like a deal to me, I try and hit the cities atleast once each summer. I am seriously debating the CZ75BD Police or PCR as a replacement to my G17. The DA/SA doesn't bother me, I like guns with decockers and the price (especially for LEO's) is unreal. I will be making my purchase in May, I'll let you know if the CZ wins out.



New member
Four of the five gun stores in the western Chicago suburbs stock CZ and the three stores that have ranges have CZ to rent. Could be kind of an expensive trip just to try one out unless you have other business here.