Do 2 wrongs make a "right"? ; ) board and censorship repealed!

simonov jr

New member
The superior and humanistic british socialists and their moderator at 's discussion board attacked our HCI parody site and banned me from posting when i tried to defend it. Rather than getting mad, which "never solves anything", i decided to "empower" myself in the name of mutual understanding and international cooperation by parodying their BRITISH anti-gun group, which is at Here's the new and more accurate site: , and HERE'S the dedication:

"This site is dedicated to the enlightened and tolerant folks at, without who's act of political censorship this site would never have been created"

I'm wondering how they're going to explain that at the next Worker's Party meeting...think i went too easy on them?



New member
A British gun control group? :confused:

haven't they run out of things to ban yet? What's left for 'em to control? Pointy sticks?

Marko Kloos

New member
Your efforts are laudable, but "censorship" only occurs when government tries to curb free speech. It does not apply to private property (such as TFL), where the owner(s) can set any rules they want regarding speech.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus


Good job on the whole sight and the effort in general.
Bravo! :cool:


..."censorship" only occurs when government tries to curb free speech. -- Lendringser

No...that's much too simple a definition.

In fact, one can self-censor. We're talking about denying a person [in this case, a member of a forum] the privilege of contributing an opinion to the argument attendant.

You, OTOH, are talking about an inalienable Right.

Both are clearly censorship.

Marko Kloos

New member
In fact, one can self-censor. We're talking about denying a person [in this case, a member of a forum] the privilege of contributing an opinion to the argument attendant.

You, OTOH, are talking about an inalienable Right.

I don't think anyone has the inalienable right to enter your living room and contribute to a discussion in progress. Even if they have been invited by you, I would argue that you have every right to ask them to shut up and/or leave if their contribution is objectionable to you.

The owner of a property, be it TFL or your living room, has the right to set a "code of conduct" for guests, and the right to enforce or change that Code of Conduct.


New member
Lendringser, you completely missed the point of the comment you quoted.

He is agreeing w/ you. No one has the RIGHT to speak in your living room, but if you asked him to leave, you ARE CENSORING his comments from your living room (rightfully so.)

Censorship doesn't mean "omitting verbage in violation of someone's rights," it just means "omitting verbage."


Two wrongs DO make a right if...

Those two wrongs are repealing the NFA of 1934 and the Gun Control act of 1968! :)