DNA registar for felons in Ia.


New member
This states legislator is considering a bill that would make it mandatory for all felons to submit to giving a sample of thier DNA if convicted for any type of felony conviction.

Right now only sexual predators are required to provide a sample of thier DNA. [@8% of felon population in Iowa] This includes sexual crimes commited when a firearm is used in the commission of variety of sexual offences.

What is your take on this type of profiling of felons within society as a whole? Are there other states that have taken this step and how far ? There are crimes here in Iowa that are felonies ie... 3rd offence drunk driving, eluding a police vehicle: etc... It would seem that this invasion of privacy is extreme measure to some.

My support of this bill would be very narrow, to those persons who by there acts and nature are a threat to society just in thier being.

Thoughts and or comments.



New member
The concept is repugnant.

The definition of a felony has changed markedly in the last thirty years. Every year it seems to be expanded to include increasingly minor offenses. There is an ever widening gulf between law and justice.

If I had my way every law would expire after two years. That would keep our elected officials busy examining and reinstating necessary laws. They would not have the time or feel the need to invent this crap to make them look busy and feel important.


It only expands their ability to abuse the individual.

Does anybody wonder where this line of legislation is coming from?



New member
Everything is a felony. Every year more and more things become felonies. While doing some bad things that could truly hurt or kill someone, and even cause long term emotional trauma are misdemeanors, lying in court or writing a fake check are felonies. You not only lose your civil rights permanently for such small things, but you also now will have to surrender your genetic code to them? Not a chance. I will be writing my reps about this one. Do you have the specific name for the bill?

Long Path

New member
Dear lord, people, we're not talking about putting implants in their brains, or anything-- we're talking about taking a sample of their DNA so that we can identify them! We do exactly the same thing with fingerprinting. Current evidence actually shows DNA matching to be far more scientifically valid than fingerprinting, which depends largely on a criminologist's opinion.
Look, with a felony, we can take away a person's right to walk around freely for 1 year to life, we can take away their right to vote, and their right to have a gun; why can't we take a small sample of their DNA, to use to I.D. them in future crimes? Here in TX, we've already caught a serial rapist and murderer through this.

I personally am disgusted by those who plead for the rights of felons to not be identified.

I think this discussion would be better suited for the Legal and Political Forum.


New member
Nobody can steal your fingerprint and clone you, last I checked. Right now it's not a concern, obviously, but it could become one. There are other nefarious uses for DNA though. If someone wanted to make a disease that would kill you and ONLY you, DNA would be a nice thing to have toward that end. Can you imagine a more perfect tool of assassination? Again, not here yet necessarily, but it's a future risk. Don't agree with the government? Get the plague, nobody's the wiser. Not cool at all.


Moderator Emeritus

Felony rape? Since we seem reluctant to kill them, sure.

Felony dog-kicking or Felony bad-CPA-hiring? Not just "no", but "hell no".

Nanaimo Barr

New member
if I touch a firearm in Washington state it's a felony...

in Idaho I have a CCW permit.

the problem is that it starts out being only for sex offenders.. then it's for all felony's, then since we already do it for felony's why not do it for misdomeaners. then DNA sampling for jay walking..

Slippery slope is a fact....

part swede

New member
The police in a town in northern Indiana recently started offering to collect children's DNA samples to supposedly help in identification in the event of kidnapping or other crime. They reported this with a straight face on the TV news. I recall being fingerprinted as a child for the same lame reasons, and now I would know better (and regardless, my gun-related forms required prints anyway). Of course the authorities kept the prints, rather than giving them to the parents for safekeeping.


Member In Memoriam
Other than the obvious (sure, sure), I'm of the "when you took their picture, why didn't you just keep ahold of 'em" vein ....

Too many, too much is felonies these days. What's the old line (hell, could be true) "it' a felony to conspire to commit a misdomeanor" ... ?