DIY punch for H&I die


New member
Mod, This might belong in casting, and if you so choose, move it. It's part of reloading after the casting is done.:D

Anyway, making my own custom bullet punch from a punch I drilled out. Can't seem to find the right punch for a .270 spire point. Several issues arise. If I don't turn the lube heater on, I have to apply enough pressure it makes imprints on the nose, and if I turn the heater on, I get stuff oozing out of the base of my 450. Using LS Stuff 2500 lube, I like it.

Anyway, using J.B. Weld as nose pattern material. What does not stick to this stuff? I have tried Crisco, wireline lube (almost like KY), and just about anything else I can find in my drawer. When I push nose up in punch, crap sticks to nose. I am letting it dry(cure) pretty stiff before I push it in, any earlier and it's a mess.

Better answer in a hurry, or I'll be re-doing it again.

Okie out
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New member
As I understand your post, you are trying to make a bullet fitting punch using JB Weld, that fits your bullet exactly and you cannot find a release agent that works (releases the bullet after curing). I have not tried that, but logically it would seem that if you melted some paraffin and dipped the bullet in it, let it harden and then formed the punch it would almost surely work. The only thing that I can imagine that would keep it from working is if the JB Weld produced enough heat as it was curing to melt the wax. But it seems worth a try.
It that does not work, I would abandon the JB Weld (for that purpose), and use epoxy putty that comes in two seperate little epoxy, one hardener. It is in a plastic state and stays that way(never a liquid like JB), until it hardens (like a rock!).