Disturbing "The Anti-Drug" commercial


New member
Has anybody seen the latest commercial for "The Anti-Drug".

It shows 2 adolescent kids, one holding a bong and apparently smoking marijuana in Dad's office. They talk, laugh, joke about stuff and all of a sudden the kid sitting down by the desk reaches for a drawer and pulls out a pistol (stainless 1911 of some sort) and goes.

"Check this out".

Kid with bong: "Cooool"

Kid with bong: "Is it loooaded?"

Kid with pistol: "Naaah". He then proceeds to non-chalantly aim the pistol towards the other kid, in a matter of seconds...


A loaded pistol inside an unlocked drawer with kids around - What's up with that? Maybe the ad has a double meaning, personally I found it very stupid and disturbing. Where the heck are the parents? :barf:


New member
So is the moral of the commercial "don't play in your dad's office"? They're being too subtle for me to figure it out. :rolleyes:


New member
I"ve seen that commercial and thought the same thing. It's pretty crazy.
The end caption after he shoots himself is "Marijuana clouds your brain" or something like that.

There's a few others that disturb me as well.
One of 'em says something like "If you do drugs, you'll go to jail.". To me, that's not good enough of a deterrant. There's a couple others that I don't like. The message they try to get out is drugs are bad, but all I see is the laws are bad. Another one says "if you buy drugs, you support bad things.". That had to do with the Mexican mafia, or terrorists in Afghanistan. After I saw the commercial, I thougth that those wouldn't be problems if it were legal. Weird stuff.
Hmmmmm sounds like something out of that movie "Reefer Madness". I think that all the drug commercials that deal with marijuana are stupid and overexaggerated. If I was running the show, I would show pictures of the inner-city crack and herion addicts which destory lives, not the marijuana commericals. Just my opinion though (No not a marijuana advocate either)


New member
maybe they should do a reality show where they follow heroin addicts around with a camera. or better yet, take your kids to the inner city and make a day of it.

they could try it with marijuana too but I don't think anyone would watch a show where a bunch of people just sit around watching TV and eating snack food.


New member
btw, I knew someone that that sort of thing happened to, they weren't stoned, just stupid. poor kid took buckshot to the kidney, died in the ER, all because his parents didn't teach him a thing about gun safety, that and they were dumb enough to leave a loaded shotgun unattended.


New member
but I don't think anyone would watch a show where a bunch of people just sit around watching TV and eating snack food.
That would also be an MTV show, Beavis and Butt-Head. :D


PS I enjoyed B&B for two simple reasons... first of all, it was MTV making fun of its own audience, and the audience, by and large, being too stupid to get the joke. Secondly, I once came home from work to see my two college roomates sitting on the couch, pointing at the TV and going "heh..heh...hehehehehehehe." What was on TV? Beavis and Butt-head, watching their TV and going "heh..heh...hehehehehehehe." Live or memorex? You decide. All I know is that it was an enduringly funny moment. *shrug* Guess you had to be there.


New member
i gleaned from the commercial that if you're going to play with guns, it doesnt matter how old or young you are, just dont do it when you're high.

we need 'smart guns' that can disable themselves when they detect marijuana smoke.:barf:


New member
There is a time for all things under heaven but ganja time and gun time don't come at the same time. Also, why didn't his dad teach him the four rules!? For goodness sake its only four rules...


New member
My wife and I used to nearly suffocate while watching B&B.

We werent big MTV watchers, but it just reminded us of people who knew from school.

Mike Judge is pretty freaking funny.