disturbing essay by Safire...


New member

The entire article needs to be read, but this is the disturbing possibilites raised


The most worrisome aspect of these revelations has to do with the credibility of the "Air Force One is next" message. It is described clearly as a threat, not a friendly warning — but if so, why would the terrorists send the message? More to the point, how did they get the code-word information and transponder know-how that established their mala fides?

That knowledge of code words and presidential whereabouts and possession of secret procedures indicates that the terrorists may have a mole in the White House — that, or informants in the Secret Service, F.B.I., F.A.A. or C.I.A. If so, the first thing our war on terror needs is an Angleton-type counterspy.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
This, plus information made public today, certainly shows what fools the Big Three network talking heads are--particularly Jennings.

They did everything but accuse Dubya of hiding in a bunker in a funk of fear.



New member
I read on Yahoo! News (IIRC) that Hanssen (The Russian spy arrested several months ago.) may have given away White House emergency procedures documents. That may be where they got that secret information.


New member
".... a mole in the White House."

hmm. Don't members of the Press accompany the President everywhere he goes? We're told there were a number of Media types with him on Air Force One Tuesday. All it would take is a GPS and cell phone, even in flight they'd know his exact position be able to communicate it. -- Kernel