Display Models


New member
The other day at a gunshop, well a store that sells guns and other things, this guy said display models are good luck lol. I was thinking about how many times people actually handle the display models. If there's none left in stock except the display model, would you feel as good as getting one straight from the back?


New member
Probably not in a revolver. I've seen shoppers flick the cylinder closed, meanwhile the clerk is cringing. I prefer to buy used, and it's typically easy to tell if it was well cared for.


New member
Cylinders flipped closed, slides dropped on empty chambers

Not to mention hundreds of grubby fingers and maybe a couple of denials on it.
Too much potential for bad karma to be considered good luck


New member
I got a display model, I don't notice any mechanical problems as far as feeding. I figure the display models get worked on more giving the springs extra breaking in.

By the way, I thought it's OK for the slide to drop on an empty chamber. :confused:

The Body Bagger

New member
If the gun can fire a bullet, a few fingers screwing around on the display gun will not damage it. If you like your guns to be prestine with no scratches then obviously a display gun is not what you want.


New member
By the way, I thought it's OK for the slide to drop on an empty chamber.
Not according to Tuner and WildAlaska and other experts.
One of whom should be along shortly to correct my mistakes.

The slide is designed to pick up a round as it drives forward which slows it down and lessens the impact and jarring effect of the slide slamming home

Sling-shotting on an empty chamber has the potential to dameage the sear and ejector


New member
Theres a difference between gently letting it in down, or letting it slap shut with a clash of metal so you can giggle at the neat sound it makes.

What, me guilty? Nah.... :cool:


New member
I grip the front end and push it back til it slides forward. I hope that's OK, cause I do like locking the slide back to inspect inside.

I don't think I'm all that concerned with how many people have touched the gun, since it's not as busy as a gunshop. Anyway, mine does shoot and that's all that matters, right? :)


New member
The potential for damage comes when you lock the slide back and release the slide lock lever or pull the slide all the way back and let it slam forward on it's own.
Riding the slide in should not damage the gun


New member
Oh OK, thanks joab. I don't pull the slide back and let it slam on it's own when it's not loaded. I did it once on accident though, I was trying to lock it back and my hand slipped on the serrated part and it slammed forward. I usually grip the front to lock back and slide forward.

Learning something new everyday. :)


New member
Average Joe, does that include cars??

I think a display model is better than buying off the internet. You don't know what you get until you actually get it. It could be used but you wouldn't know. I'm talking about places like AuctionArms and GunBroker.


New member
I won't buy a rack gun. And if there's more then one in back, I ask if I can pick the one I want out of whats there..(back room) I've never had them turn me down.


New member
Probably not in a revolver. I've seen shoppers flick the cylinder closed

As a soon-to-be new revolver owner, I have to ask....

Whats wrong with that? What does it damage? ~I~ did it :confused:


New member
Flicking a cylinder closed is not healthy for a revolver. A firm close is OK, but a Hollywood wristflick is not.

The snap puts unneeded stress on the cylinder latch and the latch puts stress on many of the components of the trigger.

Avid Concealer

New member
Used guns are just fine, display models are just fine, I do have my bias however. I figure perhaps one may have been used in a crime or whatever else. Plus...I just like the idea of buying a NEW gun : )


New member
I havea plurched more than one display model after giving it a very careful examination. I have asked for and, on occasion received, a good discount because it was a display model.:p