Disparity of Force - My recent upload


New member
Last night I finished up my most recent upload.

I offer an opinion and thoughts on a USCCA article I read regarding disparity of force.

Please let me know what you think.

I would like to really get a channel going so any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.



Evan Thomas

New member
Davey, nice job presenting some of the basic issues in self-defense.

I do have a question for you -- did you get written permission from Concealed Carry Magazine to reproduce large chunks of their article in your video? If you didn't, your video is likely violating copyright laws, and you may want to take it down pending your getting such permission.


New member
I just watched your video.
It was very informative on a equally very important subject.
Thanks for doing it.
It's also necessary not to lose sight of the most important part of surviving a potentially deadly encounter - surviving.
We shouldn't let the idea of future legal problems inhibit that.


New member
Almost forgot:
Good luck with your video channel.
I've noticed the most interesting ones include conversations and interviews with other knowledgeable people on what ever subject is being discussed.
Just a thought.


New member
g.willikers, thanks for the kind words!

I'll be doing more videos on a regular basis...except this week because we're going to Disney World.