Discouraging to hear same old myths about concealed carry for IL


New member
Its a bit discouraging to read the same old myths repeated by the anti-gunners as concealed carry legislation approaches here in the land of Lincoln. Despite the evidence of how successful concealed carry has been in the rest of the country, the news here in IL is full of political leaders and others bemoaning the possible passage of concealed carry with statements such as "bar fights will turn into gun fights" or "I don't want ordinary citizens carrying LOADED firearms, I want to make things safer not more dangerous", etc, etc. I have yet to see something in the mainstream media (major newspapers, TV stations, etc.) about how concealed carry has worked, especially in states that have allowed this for many years. I'm excited about concealed carry getting further this year than it has ever gotten for Illinois but it will not likely be passed into law over the Governor's promised veto. Even if passed, I fear that it will be years before the process for getting a permit is up and running. I'll probably be dead of old age before I get to carry a gun legally in this backward state.


New member
A super majority vote is needed to override a veto. We could have gone with a simple majority but since the bill preempts home rule a super majority is needed anyway.

If the bill passes Quinn will almost be forced to let the bill become law.

Don't be discouraged. I've personally spoken with the representative doing roll call for HB148 supporters and we are VERY CLOSE. VERY CLOSE. CALL EMAIL FAX NOW.


New member
Honestly, it's a big enough deal to me that if I lived in Illinois, I'd move just over the Indiana border. Or become a police officer. Crime is on the rise and need of a firearm is getting more prevalent. You really just have to decide what is the most important to you.

No two ways about it; its a heck of a tough choice. But voting with your U-HAULS certainly puts an interesting spin on a politician's attitude.



New member
I wish I could pack up all my crap and head out to West Virginia to be with my fiancees family but my job here pays too damn well and the benefits are too damn good to just give it up.


New member
Work is what keeps me here as well. If I lived in IN or IA I would have a 2 hour commute each way, which is ridiculous. I'm only 10 minutes from WI, but guess what? Wisconsin also does not have concealed carry, and their taxes are even higher than in IL. I'll just to wait until we get legal concealed carry, or until I can retire in a few years and move back to Texas where personal freedom still exists.

Jim March

New member
Don't be discouraged - what this means is, they've got no new ideas AT ALL to combat this.

The proper counter is this: "What you mean is, you can't tolerate the idea of Chicago blacks finally defending themselves when the police have never successfully defended them or had much interest in doing so."
Well, it may seem discouraging; but look on the bright side - an argument that was at least debateable 20 years ago is now pretty much clearly wrong and yet they are still using that argument because they don't have anything better.

I agree its frustrating to see people buy into it; but at least they are sticking to the same game plan that has been serving them so well in other CCW fights ;)


New member
People need to fight with their votes too. Let's face it, these folks are voted in, not appointed.

Alas, Chicago is hard to overcome for the rest of Illinois. At least I live as far away from there as one can and still be in Illinois, although that's nothing to brag about.

In any case, the folks I get to email about passing the bill are already the sponsors, so I send emails to those my vote doesn't matter too. Quinn gets an email too, as well as a rant about why most of southern Illinois didn't vote for him. One vote though, doesn't add up in the grand scheme of things to get them out.

Hopefully this is close enough to pass with veto override. What gets me is that ISP are now coming out against the bill because of Quinn. Talk about waffling, they were in support of it due to increased revenue potential to upgrade a bunch of stuff. At least the Chief's and Sheriff's are still for it. As an Illinois LEO, I'm all for it.

Keep sending emails and letters, let your stance be known, as well as where future votes are going to be if they don't listen.