Discounted NRA memberships available


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make the rounds on all of the gun forums. My name is Jim and among other things, I am an NRA membership recruiter.

As an NRA recruiter, I can offer special discounted memberships. If anyone is interested in these discounts, send me a pm with your address. I'll mail the application form to you and then you can mail it back to me when completed.

The discounts are:

One year - $25 instead of $35

Three years - $70 instead of $85

Five years - $100 instead of $125

Life - $750 instead of $1000 (You can also do the "easy pay life membership" which is $25 per quarter until $750 is paid off.)

Disabled Vet / Distinguished Life (age 65+) - $375 instead of $1000

Junior memberships (age 18 and under) are available for $15

Associate memberships (no magazine subscription) are available for $10

If you are interested, shoot me a pm here or an email to and I'll drop the application in the mail to you.

If you know that you just want the One year membership for $25, I can send you the application form or you can join online via our NRA recruiter webpage - Please only use the webpage for the one year memberships as the webpage doesn't list the discounts for longer memberships. Those must be done via the application form that we send out.

Jim Reynolds

NRA Certified Firearms Instructor - Pistol, Shotgun, Home Firearms Safety, Refuse To Be A Victim
NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer
Utah Concealed Firearms Certified Instructor
SABRE Pepper Spray CSAP Instructor
12 year veteran - former law enforcement

Instructor Bio -


New member
I have a normal paid NRA membership which is about to / has expired and I also have a NRA Life Of Duty membership that is expiring soon also (next month). Is there a way I can buy a membership but keep my Life of Duty status and get the Life of Duty card? I am law enforcement.


New member
I am all for getting more money to the NRA, but the $300 lifetime is better than these offers.

The NRA needs to bulk up its numbers and also build the number of young people. If you are already a lifetime member you can provide $300 lifetime memberships to others. That is a lot more palatable for young people than $750.

I have gotten half a dozen extended family and friends to do lifetime for $300. they would not have touched it for $750.

If the NRA can go from 5 million to 7 million, that is a 40% increase in membership and clout


New member
They cut off ability to give $300 life memberships two days ago, but $300 life memberships will be back by early next year.


New member
TDL Made an exciting announcement:
They cut off ability to give $300 life memberships two days ago, but $300 life memberships will be back by early next year.

TDL or ProShooter: For $300, I'm interested. Where do I need to watch to grab that deal when it comes back?


Active member
Same here next time I see the 300 for life ill jump on it !

Yep - that's what I did about a year ago. I had been paying for 5 year memberships, and then decided to jump on the $300 deal. I hate to say this, but I feel like I got away with something. I figure the NRA can enjoy my $300 for a good 2-3 years and I'll enjoy reading their magazines. Much beyond that, and I feel like I really aught to contribute something more to them.

As long as the NRA plays nice and doesn't try to reduce my life membership in anyway (and I have no reason to think they will), they will get more money from me. Not because of advertising, mailings, or their friendly autodialer - because I believe they are a worthy organization and I like what they do.


New member
The $300 deal was only available directly from the NRA HQ. Field recruiters didnt have access to it.

I'm not sure when/if it will come back.
I'm a Lifetime Member, what would be the cost for me to purchase Life Membership for my 17 year old stepdaughter? I'm asking this on the Forum so others can see the reply. If you would rather answer directly, send me a PM. Thanks.


New member
Took advantage of the Life Member offers over 20 years ago, I'm just past the break-even point on the dues, now riding the gravy train the rest of my life, whatever that amounts to, anyway.