Discounted NRA memberships available


New member
Figured it was about time to throw this out there again for anyone interested....

As an NRA recruiter, I can offer special discounted memberships. If anyone is interested in these discounts, send me a pm with your address. I'll mail you the application form and then you can mail it back to me.

The discounts are:

One year - $25 instead of $35
Three years - $70 instead of $85
Five years - $100 instead of $125
Life - $750 instead of $1000

You can also do the easy pay life membership which is $25 per quarter until $750 is paid off.

If you are interested, shoot me a pm here or an email to and I'll drop the application in the mail to you.

I do not have access to the NRA $300 life membership deal that is floating around....sorry.



New member
Good on you for being an active NRA member and recruiter. Too many think that just paying the membership dues is enough.

In the past few weeks, I've used my Life Member discounts to sign up 3 new yearly members, and 2 new life members.


New member
Same here. I am a life member and am signing up 4 more for yearly memberships. Mailing applications back to you Monday the 14th.


New member
Seniors and disabled Vets get a discounted Life rate as well. It's $375 and you can do the easy pay as well.


New member
For disabled vets and Distinguished Seniors (age 65+), the life membership is $375.

Thanks to everyone who has applied so far.



New member
What do you get from them in return for money?

Right now my monthly cash flow is diverted to Peter Popoff's miracle spring water. Been drinking it for a few months now and still haven't lost weight, found wealth, or increased my penis size by 25%. So now I'm trying to find someone else's lifestyle to fund.


New member
pro shooter, is the NRA planning on attending any of the pro gun rally's at state capitals? I went to the one in Albany on Saturday, and I saw no official NRA presence. It would be great for them to show support, as well as a great opportunity to recruit folk.


Active member
What do you get from them in return for money?

The same return you get when you support your church or political candidate. Sometimes we just need to support what we believe in, by actions, by giving money or both. I believe in the gift of freedom our founding fathers provided for us, so I support the NRA.


New member
pro shooter, is the NRA planning on attending any of the pro gun rally's at state capitals? I went to the one in Albany on Saturday, and I saw no official NRA presence. It would be great for them to show support, as well as a great opportunity to recruit folk.

Ruthless - I can't speak for the NRA as far as what appearances they'll be making, but I'm sure that they will be involved in some fashion.